Some of the most exciting "events" experienced at Lake in the Clouds are provided by Mother Nature. We are quite fortunate to see a variety of animals that roam our community.

Board of Directors Election Results
(alphabetical order):
Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein,
Bill Scott and Al Sicignano
2025 Proposed Budget: passed.
No dues increase.
on the dam breast or in beach, pavilion
and picnic areas.

The Board of Directors meet the THIRD Thursday of the month at 6:00.

Reminders for LITC Living
Please check our rules and regulations (under documents tab) for our rental policy. There are NO short term rentals permitted.
Remember: ALL the Roads have a

Prevent Fire-

Critters LOVE garbage. Please be kind to your neighbors and don't put out until collection day.

All boats need Property Owners Lot Number.

ATV riders:
need to wear helmets
follow the speed limit of 20 mph
be aware of other vehicles
young riders need supervision
Please read our Community Documents(Schedule A and B) prior to building.
Annual Picnic:
Thanks to all...
another great time!

Please help yourself
to as many chips
as you need.
However, we ask that until chipping is done again, no more branches be added to the pile.
If you would like to read the results from Aquatic Environment Consultants, please feel free to stop in the office to read any of the reports on our three lakes.

Please keep in mind:
Guest fishermen must be
with property owner.
Also: practice catch and release!
As of May 4, 2023,
all yard signs and/or flags are regulated as follows:
A. Political flags and/or signs that declare support of a particular named candidate or political party are allowed on LITC member’s lots or buildings prior to a local, state or federal election. Political signage should be removed within one month after the election
B. Flags and/or signage that attack, profane, insult or disparage any person or group are prohibited from being displayed on LITC member’s lots or buildings.

Adopt Your Road - LITC is usually very free from road trash, pristine even. But, occasionally there is a cup, a bottle, a paper of some sort along the road or in the grasses. When you're out for a walk, consider carrying a bag and gloves and picking up that trash. If we all do that, we will ensure that LITC remains one of the cleanest in the Poconos. Thanks for your help.
Reminder - Please clean up after your pet on roads, in community areas, and on private property. Neighbors do not appreciate having to do so.
FALL/SPRING CULVERT CLEANOUT - All property owners are responsible for keeping drainage ditches and culverts on or bordering your property cleaned out and free of leaves and debris. When water cannot run freely it backs up and erodes our roads increasing our community maintenance costs. PLEASE! Once in the Fall after the leaves are down and once in the Spring before the heavy rains - take the time to clean out all your drainage areas.
Ladies of the Lake

The Ladies of the Lake invite you to join us for breakfast the last Wednesday of the month.
Social Committee

The social committee plans the events on the calendar. They organize and co-ordinate all the details that make for a fun and seemingly effortless evening. If you would like to help in making this happen, call the office.

Garden Group
Garden Group meets third Thursday at members' homes/gardens. If you're interested, call the office for information as to where the current meeting is being held. Everyone is welcome:
experienced or beginner!

Clubhouse - If you belong to a group that needs a place to meet or plan to form a group, please call the office at 676-0900.
The Pavilion is available for parties. Call the office for details.
Angel Wing is a condition that affects mostly waterfowl, caused by a nutritional deficiency in vitamins and minerals combined with a high level of carbohydrates and sugars. While a number of factors are involved, human-fed bread is one of the probable causes. It causes the carpal joint (or wrist) on the wing to grow awkwardly, leaving the wing unable to sit flush at the bird’s side. This affects their ability to fly and the growth of their primary flight feathers — making them look more like sticks than feathers.
Damage in fully mature birds is irreversible and likely fatal, due to the inability to fly to food sources and rejection from their flocks. If the bird is young and the diet changes dramatically, however, the damage could be reversed.
Although there are more nutritional foods that humans can provide (like non-moldy cracked corn, wheat, barley or standard birdseed), geese and ducks are grazers and have no trouble finding food on their own. In fact, feeding them can create an unnatural and unhealthy dependence on us as their food providers, and can lead to other problems, like overcrowding and water pollution.
Help keep our waterfowl happy and healthy by spreading the word about the dangers of feeding them bread and crack

If you are lucky....Lake in the Clouds provides escort guide for lake tours!
Property owner shared this via email:
Hello... I was up kayaking recently and this beautiful creature kept me company most of the day! I loved having her follow me around, but when she was "done" with me, she just gracefully went her own way!

To be in compliance with a mandate by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Lake in the Clouds had do a robotic survey this fall of our sluice gate. The video showed that additional information was needed. To get this, it was suggested the lake could be lowered. The BOD opted to hire Underwater Consultants to bring in divers to do the research.
The team came on Sunday, January 26. There were five divers, one that actually went into the water while the others monitored the equipment. The diver checked the perimeter of the tower as well as the interior. They were here for about six hours.
We will be getting a report with their recommendations and a video that will be sent to DEP.