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Report to LITCPOA

December 2024




Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on December 19, 2024 in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.  Attending was Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott and Joyce Torrey.


As of last month, the Logger Road entrance is open and functional.  This Spring/Summer the Board hopes to have both the main West side entrance and the East side entrance completed.


Joan Griffin, our treasurer, reported that we are doing well with our budget and our account balances are ahead of last year.  Thank you to everyone who pays their dues in a timely manner.


The Board is aware that one of the pillars at the West entrance has been damaged.  We have a volunteer that can repair it for us come better weather.


Under lake ecology:

Lake in the Clouds dam has been inspected and found to be in good condition.

The Board is awaiting the 2025 contract for treating the lakes.  We are asking for lily pads to be treated again not just bladderwort and the other plant that I can't remember the name of!


The Board will soon be looking for a lifeguard for the upcoming summer.  If anyone is interested or knows of someone, please contact the office with your info.  570-676-0900 or


Winter is here!


             Our snow plowing contract states that there must be 3 inches of snow before they come and plow. The company is usually very good about our roads but we do have quite a few miles of them to be plowed.  Please have patience.


The beach, picnic and clubhouse areas are restricted areas.  NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED as per the signage. This includes any kind of ATV, snowmobiles, cars, motorcycles.

            Please keep any culverts on your property clear of debris.

            Speed limit is 20 MPH on all roads.  Especially important with snow and ice in spots.


Next meeting will be held on January 16, 2025.  6:00 PM in the clubhouse.


The Board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 

Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Hello LITC members,


This month’s Board meeting was held on January 16, 2025 in the clubhouse at 6:00PM.  Attending were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas, Bill Scott and Al Sicignano.


A full treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer, Joan Griffin.  The community is in good financial shape.


Thank you to VP Phil Barrow for donating a chainsaw and accessories  to the community.


The Social Committee now headed up by Roseanne Gagliardo held their first event on Saturday night the 18th.  Chili Night was very well attended with over 30 people!  Food was plentiful and delicious.  It certainly appeared that everyone was having a good time.  Thank you, Ro and helpers. 


The Community is in search of a lifeguard for this summer.  It has become more  difficult to find someone because of all the nearby water parks.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please contact the office. 


A few reminders:


  • No motorized vehicles allowed in the beach/swimming areas.

  • Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out.  Please pay promptly.

  • Parking on the side of our roads can be dangerous.  Roads are narrow and in many spots hilly.  In the dark this creates a safety issue.  Also, a car parked on the side of the road will most certainly hinder any snow plowing that needs to be done.


The next Board meeting will be on February 20th at 6:00PM in the clubhouse. 





Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Report to the Community-October, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on October 17, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Susan Kirstein, Sec.,  Joyce Torrey,  and Bill Scott.  


As promised, Panther Trucking began work on Logger Rd a few weeks ago, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  Unfortunately they can't finish the job until the state inspects what they've done so far!    Hopefully they'll surprise us and actually DO the inspection in a timely manner.  


We had a beautiful day for the October 5th General Meeting and Election.  About 30 members attended, and 81 ballots were recorded.   Congratulations to Phil Barrow, Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein, and Al Sicignano, who were all re-elected to another two year term.  


During the meeting, the discussion got a little “lively” at times, specifically on the subjects of lily pads, beavers and short-term rentals.    With regard to lily pads and beavers, the Board pledged to do its best to improve conditions for next season;  with short-term rentals however, there is no acceptable compromise.  We don't allow it and will pursue action against those who break this rule.


BTW, we held two “Meet the Candidates” sessions in September and very few people attended, so next year we will have only one session.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Jeff O'Lear got all the picnic tables up under the pavilion for the winter.    And the dead evergreen trees that have flanked the clubhouse/office sign for years, have been taken down.    We'll be planting things in their place soon.   


Those of us who have lived at Lake in the Clouds since pre-Covid,  fondly remember the monthly dinners, card games, holiday parties etc. that were coordinated by Marie Benincasa and the Social Committee.   Last month Diane sent out an email asking anyone who might be interested in chairing or joining a Social Committee, to attend this month's Board meeting and share some ideas. 

No-one came. 


This surprised me, as I had heard from a few people who said they wanted to do it.  But you can't just SAY it.... you have to step up and DO it.    Get a few willing friends together and say something like “We'd like to have a Dinner Party at the club house on January 14th.”   The Board budgets money for food and supplies so we need to hear and approve your plans.  Then Diane can help get the word out through email, and we'll get it up on the website and sign boards.  The Social Committee decides the menu, coordinates who brings what, etc.   Marie Benincasa is here for a few more months and is willing to share her experience.

Meanwhile, LITC Member Ray DiPaoli had a great idea.    He suggested a community art show, saying “many people have hobbies and talents...some hidden...and given the chance they could share their work at an art show.”  He went on to list things like paintings, photos, carving, pottery, quilting, arts and crafts...well you get the idea.  The Board really liked the idea so I called Mr. DiPaoli and chatted with him about it, and he has agreed to manage the process!   We discussed holding an event in early September 2025 giving everyone a chance to prepare.     Before he can really start planning, however, he needs to get a feel for how many of us might be interested.  So, with his permission I am putting his email address here:     Please send him a note if think you'd like to participate


On the Monday following the General Meeting and Election the Board met to elect it's officers.   Charlie, Phil, and Joan retained their positions as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively.   And then I nominated Susan Kirstein to be Secretary, and she was unanimously elected.  I did enjoy the job....but it was time for someone else to do it, and I'm thankful to Susan for being willing.  So congratulations are in order for your Board Officers.


With Susan as Secretary, I am officially retired as the author of these Board Reports.   The Board gave me special permission to write this one, which will be my last installment. I am totally aware that this will come as welcome news to those few of you who have been criticizing them since the first one I did in November 2021, but... as my old dad used to say... “we can't all be Robert Frost; some of us just have to be Ogden Nash”.  


In any case, I thank those of have you who sent kind words of support.


Joyce Torrey, Ex- Sec

Report to the Community-August, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


This month’s Board Meeting was held on August 15, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffen, Treas. Bill Scott, and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   

Here are a few quick updates:

-The work on the Logger Road entrance is now scheduled for September, (Yes, finally!) The trees have been topped and we are next on Panther Trucking’s schedule once they have completed a job in progress.

-As I reported last month, the 2025 budget-- which you will vote on in October-- does not include any dues increase.  Joan Griffin is currently doing some last-minute tweaking to make sure we have allocated sufficient funds for the variable areas such as snow removal and lake ecology, but it looks good for our financial health in the coming year.

-Charlie, Bill Scott and Jamie Brush have re-mulched the path up to Lookout Point.  If you haven’t made the easy climb up there yet you really, really should.   It’s an amazing view of the Delaware Water Gap….and in my opinion New Jersey never looked so good!  (Kidding!)

-Marie and Jerry Benincasa, long- time and very active members and volunteers for this community, will be moving away this fall to be closer to the grandkids.  Hopefully they (and you!) will be able to attend our bonfire scheduled for September 14thso we can all thank them properly and wish them well.


Picnic!    We had amazing weather, and boy, were we lucky considering the storm that came through the day before.   (There was a rumor going around the picnic grove that I had sacrificed one of my ex-husbands to the rain gods to ensure the good weather.   This is not true…I would NEVER have been able to choose which one had to go off the rim of the volcano.)  

120 people came and ate and chatted with neighbors and played games, and by all accounts had a great time.  Which makes all the work worthwhile. 

Once again, we really owe it all to the picnic volunteers.   The Grill Guys (Charlie Schaffer, Jerry Benincasa, John Cafarella, Gerry Daidone); the Servers (Peggy Keyser, Joan Griffin, Kat Lauer, Judy Sweeny, Susan McClure, Roe Gagliardo, Linda Foran, and Fran Daidone); The registration table (Marg Cafarella, Jan Olsommer, Pat Pancoast); the distinguished parking attendants, Jon Pancoast and Bill Scott;  our photographer Mike Foran;   and a special thank you goes to Paul Burke our most excellent volunteer DJ, and to Stephanie Pace and Kat Lauer for selling all those 50/50 tickets!

And Marie Benincasa.  What can I say.   Shopping, cooking, texting, inventory, commiserating and good advice…honestly, I don’t know how this picnic will happen next year without you.


In closing, remember, if you want to run for a seat on the Board you need to tell me or Diane in the office by 8/25, and return your bio form by that Friday 8/30.   The ballot will be mailed 9/5!


See you at the BONFIRE, September 14th.   Bring chairs and whatever you’re drinking.


Joyce Torrey

Sec. Board of Directors.

Report to the Community-November, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on November 21, 2024. Attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott, Al Sicignano.



Logger Rd entrance construction is completed and open!  Lakewood Dr. (East side) entrance will be under construction starting in the springtime. 


Joan Griffin wants to let everyone know that she is a licensed notary and available to members if needed.


Panther will again do our snow plowing for next year.


Social Committee still is in need of volunteers.  Roseanne Gagliardo has a lot of ideas for different events and hopefully will be starting up again in January.


Seems our volunteers put up the Lake in the Woods snow fence just in time for the first snow.  Thank you to the helpers.


A few REMINDERS from LITC Rules & Regulation:


            #3 states 20 mph speed limit on roads by all vehicles.

            #4 states NO HUNTING within LITC boundaries.

            #5 states ABSOLUTELY NO DISCHARGING OF ANY FIREARM within LITC.  This includes your private property.

            #9 states that all dogs must be on leash when on LITC roads or common areas.


Pets are not allowed to run free or chase people or cars. Please be in control of your animals and clean up any waste.


Also, please be conscious of your neighbors.  Shooting off fireworks can be very disturbing to some people and also animals causing great distress.



Thank you,

Susan Kirstein, Sec.

Report to the Community-September, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on September 19, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Bill Scott, Susan Kirstein, Al Sicignano and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   


Panther Trucking will start work on Logger Rd this month, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  The Board wants to thank the Logger Rd folks for their patience during this LONG ordeal.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Ed Kirstein have been trying to stay ahead of a group of VERY busy beavers in Lake in The Woods.  The beavers are felling trees and attempting to block off the spillway.  Unfortunately this puts us in the position of trying to balance two conflicting PA State regulations:  1. Dam spillways must be kept open and free of debris; and 2.  It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, or interfere with a beaver dam or house.    Some days it seems the beavers are winning, but the guys aren't giving up.


The Sept 14 bonfire was well attended and we were able to appropriately thank Jerry and Marie Benincasa for their long and active service to this community.  (They were THRILLED to receive our gift of a Lifetime Free Pass to the annual picnic!  :-)    With Marie's departure we need a new Chair for the Social Committee.  If that sounds like a fun job for you please come to a Board Meeting and tell us your ideas!


We have had some amazing weather this past month and we are hoping it lasts into October.  With that in mind, we will hold off making a decision on whether to hold the October 5th General Meeting and Election inside the clubhouse or outside at the pavilion., until a day or two beforehand.    When you arrive at the meeting, look for the crowd and you'll know what the decision was!


Regardless of the weather we will hold a Potluck Dinner at 6PM on October 5 in the clubhouse.  PLEASE let us know if you plan to come so that we can set up tables etc. Just leave a message at the office, or email

The General Meeting and Election itself will start at 1PM on October 5th.    Mailed ballots must be in by October 1st.


Have a great fall and see you on the 5th.


Joyce Torrey, Sec

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Report to LITCPOA

December 2024




Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on December 19, 2024 in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.  Attending was Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott and Joyce Torrey.


As of last month, the Logger Road entrance is open and functional.  This Spring/Summer the Board hopes to have both the main West side entrance and the East side entrance completed.


Joan Griffin, our treasurer, reported that we are doing well with our budget and our account balances are ahead of last year.  Thank you to everyone who pays their dues in a timely manner.


The Board is aware that one of the pillars at the West entrance has been damaged.  We have a volunteer that can repair it for us come better weather.


Under lake ecology:

Lake in the Clouds dam has been inspected and found to be in good condition.

The Board is awaiting the 2025 contract for treating the lakes.  We are asking for lily pads to be treated again not just bladderwort and the other plant that I can't remember the name of!


The Board will soon be looking for a lifeguard for the upcoming summer.  If anyone is interested or knows of someone, please contact the office with your info.  570-676-0900 or


Winter is here!


             Our snow plowing contract states that there must be 3 inches of snow before they come and plow. The company is usually very good about our roads but we do have quite a few miles of them to be plowed.  Please have patience.


The beach, picnic and clubhouse areas are restricted areas.  NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED as per the signage. This includes any kind of ATV, snowmobiles, cars, motorcycles.

            Please keep any culverts on your property clear of debris.

            Speed limit is 20 MPH on all roads.  Especially important with snow and ice in spots.


Next meeting will be held on January 16, 2025.  6:00 PM in the clubhouse.


The Board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 

Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Hello LITC members,


This month’s Board meeting was held on January 16, 2025 in the clubhouse at 6:00PM.  Attending were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas, Bill Scott and Al Sicignano.


A full treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer, Joan Griffin.  The community is in good financial shape.


Thank you to VP Phil Barrow for donating a chainsaw and accessories  to the community.


The Social Committee now headed up by Roseanne Gagliardo held their first event on Saturday night the 18th.  Chili Night was very well attended with over 30 people!  Food was plentiful and delicious.  It certainly appeared that everyone was having a good time.  Thank you, Ro and helpers. 


The Community is in search of a lifeguard for this summer.  It has become more  difficult to find someone because of all the nearby water parks.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please contact the office. 


A few reminders:


  • No motorized vehicles allowed in the beach/swimming areas.

  • Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out.  Please pay promptly.

  • Parking on the side of our roads can be dangerous.  Roads are narrow and in many spots hilly.  In the dark this creates a safety issue.  Also, a car parked on the side of the road will most certainly hinder any snow plowing that needs to be done.


The next Board meeting will be on February 20th at 6:00PM in the clubhouse. 





Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Report to the Community-October, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on October 17, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Susan Kirstein, Sec.,  Joyce Torrey,  and Bill Scott.  


As promised, Panther Trucking began work on Logger Rd a few weeks ago, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  Unfortunately they can't finish the job until the state inspects what they've done so far!    Hopefully they'll surprise us and actually DO the inspection in a timely manner.  


We had a beautiful day for the October 5th General Meeting and Election.  About 30 members attended, and 81 ballots were recorded.   Congratulations to Phil Barrow, Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein, and Al Sicignano, who were all re-elected to another two year term.  


During the meeting, the discussion got a little “lively” at times, specifically on the subjects of lily pads, beavers and short-term rentals.    With regard to lily pads and beavers, the Board pledged to do its best to improve conditions for next season;  with short-term rentals however, there is no acceptable compromise.  We don't allow it and will pursue action against those who break this rule.


BTW, we held two “Meet the Candidates” sessions in September and very few people attended, so next year we will have only one session.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Jeff O'Lear got all the picnic tables up under the pavilion for the winter.    And the dead evergreen trees that have flanked the clubhouse/office sign for years, have been taken down.    We'll be planting things in their place soon.   


Those of us who have lived at Lake in the Clouds since pre-Covid,  fondly remember the monthly dinners, card games, holiday parties etc. that were coordinated by Marie Benincasa and the Social Committee.   Last month Diane sent out an email asking anyone who might be interested in chairing or joining a Social Committee, to attend this month's Board meeting and share some ideas. 

No-one came. 


This surprised me, as I had heard from a few people who said they wanted to do it.  But you can't just SAY it.... you have to step up and DO it.    Get a few willing friends together and say something like “We'd like to have a Dinner Party at the club house on January 14th.”   The Board budgets money for food and supplies so we need to hear and approve your plans.  Then Diane can help get the word out through email, and we'll get it up on the website and sign boards.  The Social Committee decides the menu, coordinates who brings what, etc.   Marie Benincasa is here for a few more months and is willing to share her experience.

Meanwhile, LITC Member Ray DiPaoli had a great idea.    He suggested a community art show, saying “many people have hobbies and talents...some hidden...and given the chance they could share their work at an art show.”  He went on to list things like paintings, photos, carving, pottery, quilting, arts and crafts...well you get the idea.  The Board really liked the idea so I called Mr. DiPaoli and chatted with him about it, and he has agreed to manage the process!   We discussed holding an event in early September 2025 giving everyone a chance to prepare.     Before he can really start planning, however, he needs to get a feel for how many of us might be interested.  So, with his permission I am putting his email address here:     Please send him a note if think you'd like to participate


On the Monday following the General Meeting and Election the Board met to elect it's officers.   Charlie, Phil, and Joan retained their positions as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively.   And then I nominated Susan Kirstein to be Secretary, and she was unanimously elected.  I did enjoy the job....but it was time for someone else to do it, and I'm thankful to Susan for being willing.  So congratulations are in order for your Board Officers.


With Susan as Secretary, I am officially retired as the author of these Board Reports.   The Board gave me special permission to write this one, which will be my last installment. I am totally aware that this will come as welcome news to those few of you who have been criticizing them since the first one I did in November 2021, but... as my old dad used to say... “we can't all be Robert Frost; some of us just have to be Ogden Nash”.  


In any case, I thank those of have you who sent kind words of support.


Joyce Torrey, Ex- Sec

Report to the Community-August, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


This month’s Board Meeting was held on August 15, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffen, Treas. Bill Scott, and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   

Here are a few quick updates:

-The work on the Logger Road entrance is now scheduled for September, (Yes, finally!) The trees have been topped and we are next on Panther Trucking’s schedule once they have completed a job in progress.

-As I reported last month, the 2025 budget-- which you will vote on in October-- does not include any dues increase.  Joan Griffin is currently doing some last-minute tweaking to make sure we have allocated sufficient funds for the variable areas such as snow removal and lake ecology, but it looks good for our financial health in the coming year.

-Charlie, Bill Scott and Jamie Brush have re-mulched the path up to Lookout Point.  If you haven’t made the easy climb up there yet you really, really should.   It’s an amazing view of the Delaware Water Gap….and in my opinion New Jersey never looked so good!  (Kidding!)

-Marie and Jerry Benincasa, long- time and very active members and volunteers for this community, will be moving away this fall to be closer to the grandkids.  Hopefully they (and you!) will be able to attend our bonfire scheduled for September 14thso we can all thank them properly and wish them well.


Picnic!    We had amazing weather, and boy, were we lucky considering the storm that came through the day before.   (There was a rumor going around the picnic grove that I had sacrificed one of my ex-husbands to the rain gods to ensure the good weather.   This is not true…I would NEVER have been able to choose which one had to go off the rim of the volcano.)  

120 people came and ate and chatted with neighbors and played games, and by all accounts had a great time.  Which makes all the work worthwhile. 

Once again, we really owe it all to the picnic volunteers.   The Grill Guys (Charlie Schaffer, Jerry Benincasa, John Cafarella, Gerry Daidone); the Servers (Peggy Keyser, Joan Griffin, Kat Lauer, Judy Sweeny, Susan McClure, Roe Gagliardo, Linda Foran, and Fran Daidone); The registration table (Marg Cafarella, Jan Olsommer, Pat Pancoast); the distinguished parking attendants, Jon Pancoast and Bill Scott;  our photographer Mike Foran;   and a special thank you goes to Paul Burke our most excellent volunteer DJ, and to Stephanie Pace and Kat Lauer for selling all those 50/50 tickets!

And Marie Benincasa.  What can I say.   Shopping, cooking, texting, inventory, commiserating and good advice…honestly, I don’t know how this picnic will happen next year without you.


In closing, remember, if you want to run for a seat on the Board you need to tell me or Diane in the office by 8/25, and return your bio form by that Friday 8/30.   The ballot will be mailed 9/5!


See you at the BONFIRE, September 14th.   Bring chairs and whatever you’re drinking.


Joyce Torrey

Sec. Board of Directors.

Report to the Community-November, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on November 21, 2024. Attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott, Al Sicignano.



Logger Rd entrance construction is completed and open!  Lakewood Dr. (East side) entrance will be under construction starting in the springtime. 


Joan Griffin wants to let everyone know that she is a licensed notary and available to members if needed.


Panther will again do our snow plowing for next year.


Social Committee still is in need of volunteers.  Roseanne Gagliardo has a lot of ideas for different events and hopefully will be starting up again in January.


Seems our volunteers put up the Lake in the Woods snow fence just in time for the first snow.  Thank you to the helpers.


A few REMINDERS from LITC Rules & Regulation:


            #3 states 20 mph speed limit on roads by all vehicles.

            #4 states NO HUNTING within LITC boundaries.

            #5 states ABSOLUTELY NO DISCHARGING OF ANY FIREARM within LITC.  This includes your private property.

            #9 states that all dogs must be on leash when on LITC roads or common areas.


Pets are not allowed to run free or chase people or cars. Please be in control of your animals and clean up any waste.


Also, please be conscious of your neighbors.  Shooting off fireworks can be very disturbing to some people and also animals causing great distress.



Thank you,

Susan Kirstein, Sec.

Report to the Community-September, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on September 19, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Bill Scott, Susan Kirstein, Al Sicignano and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   


Panther Trucking will start work on Logger Rd this month, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  The Board wants to thank the Logger Rd folks for their patience during this LONG ordeal.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Ed Kirstein have been trying to stay ahead of a group of VERY busy beavers in Lake in The Woods.  The beavers are felling trees and attempting to block off the spillway.  Unfortunately this puts us in the position of trying to balance two conflicting PA State regulations:  1. Dam spillways must be kept open and free of debris; and 2.  It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, or interfere with a beaver dam or house.    Some days it seems the beavers are winning, but the guys aren't giving up.


The Sept 14 bonfire was well attended and we were able to appropriately thank Jerry and Marie Benincasa for their long and active service to this community.  (They were THRILLED to receive our gift of a Lifetime Free Pass to the annual picnic!  :-)    With Marie's departure we need a new Chair for the Social Committee.  If that sounds like a fun job for you please come to a Board Meeting and tell us your ideas!


We have had some amazing weather this past month and we are hoping it lasts into October.  With that in mind, we will hold off making a decision on whether to hold the October 5th General Meeting and Election inside the clubhouse or outside at the pavilion., until a day or two beforehand.    When you arrive at the meeting, look for the crowd and you'll know what the decision was!


Regardless of the weather we will hold a Potluck Dinner at 6PM on October 5 in the clubhouse.  PLEASE let us know if you plan to come so that we can set up tables etc. Just leave a message at the office, or email

The General Meeting and Election itself will start at 1PM on October 5th.    Mailed ballots must be in by October 1st.


Have a great fall and see you on the 5th.


Joyce Torrey, Sec


Report to LITCPOA

December 2024




Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on December 19, 2024 in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.  Attending was Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott and Joyce Torrey.


As of last month, the Logger Road entrance is open and functional.  This Spring/Summer the Board hopes to have both the main West side entrance and the East side entrance completed.


Joan Griffin, our treasurer, reported that we are doing well with our budget and our account balances are ahead of last year.  Thank you to everyone who pays their dues in a timely manner.


The Board is aware that one of the pillars at the West entrance has been damaged.  We have a volunteer that can repair it for us come better weather.


Under lake ecology:

Lake in the Clouds dam has been inspected and found to be in good condition.

The Board is awaiting the 2025 contract for treating the lakes.  We are asking for lily pads to be treated again not just bladderwort and the other plant that I can't remember the name of!


The Board will soon be looking for a lifeguard for the upcoming summer.  If anyone is interested or knows of someone, please contact the office with your info.  570-676-0900 or


Winter is here!


             Our snow plowing contract states that there must be 3 inches of snow before they come and plow. The company is usually very good about our roads but we do have quite a few miles of them to be plowed.  Please have patience.


The beach, picnic and clubhouse areas are restricted areas.  NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED as per the signage. This includes any kind of ATV, snowmobiles, cars, motorcycles.

            Please keep any culverts on your property clear of debris.

            Speed limit is 20 MPH on all roads.  Especially important with snow and ice in spots.


Next meeting will be held on January 16, 2025.  6:00 PM in the clubhouse.


The Board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 

Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Hello LITC members,


This month’s Board meeting was held on January 16, 2025 in the clubhouse at 6:00PM.  Attending were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas, Bill Scott and Al Sicignano.


A full treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer, Joan Griffin.  The community is in good financial shape.


Thank you to VP Phil Barrow for donating a chainsaw and accessories  to the community.


The Social Committee now headed up by Roseanne Gagliardo held their first event on Saturday night the 18th.  Chili Night was very well attended with over 30 people!  Food was plentiful and delicious.  It certainly appeared that everyone was having a good time.  Thank you, Ro and helpers. 


The Community is in search of a lifeguard for this summer.  It has become more  difficult to find someone because of all the nearby water parks.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please contact the office. 


A few reminders:


  • No motorized vehicles allowed in the beach/swimming areas.

  • Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out.  Please pay promptly.

  • Parking on the side of our roads can be dangerous.  Roads are narrow and in many spots hilly.  In the dark this creates a safety issue.  Also, a car parked on the side of the road will most certainly hinder any snow plowing that needs to be done.


The next Board meeting will be on February 20th at 6:00PM in the clubhouse. 





Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Report to the Community-October, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on October 17, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Susan Kirstein, Sec.,  Joyce Torrey,  and Bill Scott.  


As promised, Panther Trucking began work on Logger Rd a few weeks ago, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  Unfortunately they can't finish the job until the state inspects what they've done so far!    Hopefully they'll surprise us and actually DO the inspection in a timely manner.  


We had a beautiful day for the October 5th General Meeting and Election.  About 30 members attended, and 81 ballots were recorded.   Congratulations to Phil Barrow, Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein, and Al Sicignano, who were all re-elected to another two year term.  


During the meeting, the discussion got a little “lively” at times, specifically on the subjects of lily pads, beavers and short-term rentals.    With regard to lily pads and beavers, the Board pledged to do its best to improve conditions for next season;  with short-term rentals however, there is no acceptable compromise.  We don't allow it and will pursue action against those who break this rule.


BTW, we held two “Meet the Candidates” sessions in September and very few people attended, so next year we will have only one session.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Jeff O'Lear got all the picnic tables up under the pavilion for the winter.    And the dead evergreen trees that have flanked the clubhouse/office sign for years, have been taken down.    We'll be planting things in their place soon.   


Those of us who have lived at Lake in the Clouds since pre-Covid,  fondly remember the monthly dinners, card games, holiday parties etc. that were coordinated by Marie Benincasa and the Social Committee.   Last month Diane sent out an email asking anyone who might be interested in chairing or joining a Social Committee, to attend this month's Board meeting and share some ideas. 

No-one came. 


This surprised me, as I had heard from a few people who said they wanted to do it.  But you can't just SAY it.... you have to step up and DO it.    Get a few willing friends together and say something like “We'd like to have a Dinner Party at the club house on January 14th.”   The Board budgets money for food and supplies so we need to hear and approve your plans.  Then Diane can help get the word out through email, and we'll get it up on the website and sign boards.  The Social Committee decides the menu, coordinates who brings what, etc.   Marie Benincasa is here for a few more months and is willing to share her experience.

Meanwhile, LITC Member Ray DiPaoli had a great idea.    He suggested a community art show, saying “many people have hobbies and talents...some hidden...and given the chance they could share their work at an art show.”  He went on to list things like paintings, photos, carving, pottery, quilting, arts and crafts...well you get the idea.  The Board really liked the idea so I called Mr. DiPaoli and chatted with him about it, and he has agreed to manage the process!   We discussed holding an event in early September 2025 giving everyone a chance to prepare.     Before he can really start planning, however, he needs to get a feel for how many of us might be interested.  So, with his permission I am putting his email address here:     Please send him a note if think you'd like to participate


On the Monday following the General Meeting and Election the Board met to elect it's officers.   Charlie, Phil, and Joan retained their positions as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively.   And then I nominated Susan Kirstein to be Secretary, and she was unanimously elected.  I did enjoy the job....but it was time for someone else to do it, and I'm thankful to Susan for being willing.  So congratulations are in order for your Board Officers.


With Susan as Secretary, I am officially retired as the author of these Board Reports.   The Board gave me special permission to write this one, which will be my last installment. I am totally aware that this will come as welcome news to those few of you who have been criticizing them since the first one I did in November 2021, but... as my old dad used to say... “we can't all be Robert Frost; some of us just have to be Ogden Nash”.  


In any case, I thank those of have you who sent kind words of support.


Joyce Torrey, Ex- Sec

Report to the Community-August, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


This month’s Board Meeting was held on August 15, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffen, Treas. Bill Scott, and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   

Here are a few quick updates:

-The work on the Logger Road entrance is now scheduled for September, (Yes, finally!) The trees have been topped and we are next on Panther Trucking’s schedule once they have completed a job in progress.

-As I reported last month, the 2025 budget-- which you will vote on in October-- does not include any dues increase.  Joan Griffin is currently doing some last-minute tweaking to make sure we have allocated sufficient funds for the variable areas such as snow removal and lake ecology, but it looks good for our financial health in the coming year.

-Charlie, Bill Scott and Jamie Brush have re-mulched the path up to Lookout Point.  If you haven’t made the easy climb up there yet you really, really should.   It’s an amazing view of the Delaware Water Gap….and in my opinion New Jersey never looked so good!  (Kidding!)

-Marie and Jerry Benincasa, long- time and very active members and volunteers for this community, will be moving away this fall to be closer to the grandkids.  Hopefully they (and you!) will be able to attend our bonfire scheduled for September 14thso we can all thank them properly and wish them well.


Picnic!    We had amazing weather, and boy, were we lucky considering the storm that came through the day before.   (There was a rumor going around the picnic grove that I had sacrificed one of my ex-husbands to the rain gods to ensure the good weather.   This is not true…I would NEVER have been able to choose which one had to go off the rim of the volcano.)  

120 people came and ate and chatted with neighbors and played games, and by all accounts had a great time.  Which makes all the work worthwhile. 

Once again, we really owe it all to the picnic volunteers.   The Grill Guys (Charlie Schaffer, Jerry Benincasa, John Cafarella, Gerry Daidone); the Servers (Peggy Keyser, Joan Griffin, Kat Lauer, Judy Sweeny, Susan McClure, Roe Gagliardo, Linda Foran, and Fran Daidone); The registration table (Marg Cafarella, Jan Olsommer, Pat Pancoast); the distinguished parking attendants, Jon Pancoast and Bill Scott;  our photographer Mike Foran;   and a special thank you goes to Paul Burke our most excellent volunteer DJ, and to Stephanie Pace and Kat Lauer for selling all those 50/50 tickets!

And Marie Benincasa.  What can I say.   Shopping, cooking, texting, inventory, commiserating and good advice…honestly, I don’t know how this picnic will happen next year without you.


In closing, remember, if you want to run for a seat on the Board you need to tell me or Diane in the office by 8/25, and return your bio form by that Friday 8/30.   The ballot will be mailed 9/5!


See you at the BONFIRE, September 14th.   Bring chairs and whatever you’re drinking.


Joyce Torrey

Sec. Board of Directors.

Report to the Community-November, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on November 21, 2024. Attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott, Al Sicignano.



Logger Rd entrance construction is completed and open!  Lakewood Dr. (East side) entrance will be under construction starting in the springtime. 


Joan Griffin wants to let everyone know that she is a licensed notary and available to members if needed.


Panther will again do our snow plowing for next year.


Social Committee still is in need of volunteers.  Roseanne Gagliardo has a lot of ideas for different events and hopefully will be starting up again in January.


Seems our volunteers put up the Lake in the Woods snow fence just in time for the first snow.  Thank you to the helpers.


A few REMINDERS from LITC Rules & Regulation:


            #3 states 20 mph speed limit on roads by all vehicles.

            #4 states NO HUNTING within LITC boundaries.

            #5 states ABSOLUTELY NO DISCHARGING OF ANY FIREARM within LITC.  This includes your private property.

            #9 states that all dogs must be on leash when on LITC roads or common areas.


Pets are not allowed to run free or chase people or cars. Please be in control of your animals and clean up any waste.


Also, please be conscious of your neighbors.  Shooting off fireworks can be very disturbing to some people and also animals causing great distress.



Thank you,

Susan Kirstein, Sec.

Report to the Community-September, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on September 19, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Bill Scott, Susan Kirstein, Al Sicignano and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   


Panther Trucking will start work on Logger Rd this month, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  The Board wants to thank the Logger Rd folks for their patience during this LONG ordeal.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Ed Kirstein have been trying to stay ahead of a group of VERY busy beavers in Lake in The Woods.  The beavers are felling trees and attempting to block off the spillway.  Unfortunately this puts us in the position of trying to balance two conflicting PA State regulations:  1. Dam spillways must be kept open and free of debris; and 2.  It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, or interfere with a beaver dam or house.    Some days it seems the beavers are winning, but the guys aren't giving up.


The Sept 14 bonfire was well attended and we were able to appropriately thank Jerry and Marie Benincasa for their long and active service to this community.  (They were THRILLED to receive our gift of a Lifetime Free Pass to the annual picnic!  :-)    With Marie's departure we need a new Chair for the Social Committee.  If that sounds like a fun job for you please come to a Board Meeting and tell us your ideas!


We have had some amazing weather this past month and we are hoping it lasts into October.  With that in mind, we will hold off making a decision on whether to hold the October 5th General Meeting and Election inside the clubhouse or outside at the pavilion., until a day or two beforehand.    When you arrive at the meeting, look for the crowd and you'll know what the decision was!


Regardless of the weather we will hold a Potluck Dinner at 6PM on October 5 in the clubhouse.  PLEASE let us know if you plan to come so that we can set up tables etc. Just leave a message at the office, or email

The General Meeting and Election itself will start at 1PM on October 5th.    Mailed ballots must be in by October 1st.


Have a great fall and see you on the 5th.


Joyce Torrey, Sec

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Report to LITCPOA

December 2024




Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on December 19, 2024 in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.  Attending was Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott and Joyce Torrey.


As of last month, the Logger Road entrance is open and functional.  This Spring/Summer the Board hopes to have both the main West side entrance and the East side entrance completed.


Joan Griffin, our treasurer, reported that we are doing well with our budget and our account balances are ahead of last year.  Thank you to everyone who pays their dues in a timely manner.


The Board is aware that one of the pillars at the West entrance has been damaged.  We have a volunteer that can repair it for us come better weather.


Under lake ecology:

Lake in the Clouds dam has been inspected and found to be in good condition.

The Board is awaiting the 2025 contract for treating the lakes.  We are asking for lily pads to be treated again not just bladderwort and the other plant that I can't remember the name of!


The Board will soon be looking for a lifeguard for the upcoming summer.  If anyone is interested or knows of someone, please contact the office with your info.  570-676-0900 or


Winter is here!


             Our snow plowing contract states that there must be 3 inches of snow before they come and plow. The company is usually very good about our roads but we do have quite a few miles of them to be plowed.  Please have patience.


The beach, picnic and clubhouse areas are restricted areas.  NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED as per the signage. This includes any kind of ATV, snowmobiles, cars, motorcycles.

            Please keep any culverts on your property clear of debris.

            Speed limit is 20 MPH on all roads.  Especially important with snow and ice in spots.


Next meeting will be held on January 16, 2025.  6:00 PM in the clubhouse.


The Board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 

Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Hello LITC members,


This month’s Board meeting was held on January 16, 2025 in the clubhouse at 6:00PM.  Attending were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas, Bill Scott and Al Sicignano.


A full treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer, Joan Griffin.  The community is in good financial shape.


Thank you to VP Phil Barrow for donating a chainsaw and accessories  to the community.


The Social Committee now headed up by Roseanne Gagliardo held their first event on Saturday night the 18th.  Chili Night was very well attended with over 30 people!  Food was plentiful and delicious.  It certainly appeared that everyone was having a good time.  Thank you, Ro and helpers. 


The Community is in search of a lifeguard for this summer.  It has become more  difficult to find someone because of all the nearby water parks.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please contact the office. 


A few reminders:


  • No motorized vehicles allowed in the beach/swimming areas.

  • Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out.  Please pay promptly.

  • Parking on the side of our roads can be dangerous.  Roads are narrow and in many spots hilly.  In the dark this creates a safety issue.  Also, a car parked on the side of the road will most certainly hinder any snow plowing that needs to be done.


The next Board meeting will be on February 20th at 6:00PM in the clubhouse. 





Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Report to the Community-October, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on October 17, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Susan Kirstein, Sec.,  Joyce Torrey,  and Bill Scott.  


As promised, Panther Trucking began work on Logger Rd a few weeks ago, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  Unfortunately they can't finish the job until the state inspects what they've done so far!    Hopefully they'll surprise us and actually DO the inspection in a timely manner.  


We had a beautiful day for the October 5th General Meeting and Election.  About 30 members attended, and 81 ballots were recorded.   Congratulations to Phil Barrow, Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein, and Al Sicignano, who were all re-elected to another two year term.  


During the meeting, the discussion got a little “lively” at times, specifically on the subjects of lily pads, beavers and short-term rentals.    With regard to lily pads and beavers, the Board pledged to do its best to improve conditions for next season;  with short-term rentals however, there is no acceptable compromise.  We don't allow it and will pursue action against those who break this rule.


BTW, we held two “Meet the Candidates” sessions in September and very few people attended, so next year we will have only one session.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Jeff O'Lear got all the picnic tables up under the pavilion for the winter.    And the dead evergreen trees that have flanked the clubhouse/office sign for years, have been taken down.    We'll be planting things in their place soon.   


Those of us who have lived at Lake in the Clouds since pre-Covid,  fondly remember the monthly dinners, card games, holiday parties etc. that were coordinated by Marie Benincasa and the Social Committee.   Last month Diane sent out an email asking anyone who might be interested in chairing or joining a Social Committee, to attend this month's Board meeting and share some ideas. 

No-one came. 


This surprised me, as I had heard from a few people who said they wanted to do it.  But you can't just SAY it.... you have to step up and DO it.    Get a few willing friends together and say something like “We'd like to have a Dinner Party at the club house on January 14th.”   The Board budgets money for food and supplies so we need to hear and approve your plans.  Then Diane can help get the word out through email, and we'll get it up on the website and sign boards.  The Social Committee decides the menu, coordinates who brings what, etc.   Marie Benincasa is here for a few more months and is willing to share her experience.

Meanwhile, LITC Member Ray DiPaoli had a great idea.    He suggested a community art show, saying “many people have hobbies and talents...some hidden...and given the chance they could share their work at an art show.”  He went on to list things like paintings, photos, carving, pottery, quilting, arts and crafts...well you get the idea.  The Board really liked the idea so I called Mr. DiPaoli and chatted with him about it, and he has agreed to manage the process!   We discussed holding an event in early September 2025 giving everyone a chance to prepare.     Before he can really start planning, however, he needs to get a feel for how many of us might be interested.  So, with his permission I am putting his email address here:     Please send him a note if think you'd like to participate


On the Monday following the General Meeting and Election the Board met to elect it's officers.   Charlie, Phil, and Joan retained their positions as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively.   And then I nominated Susan Kirstein to be Secretary, and she was unanimously elected.  I did enjoy the job....but it was time for someone else to do it, and I'm thankful to Susan for being willing.  So congratulations are in order for your Board Officers.


With Susan as Secretary, I am officially retired as the author of these Board Reports.   The Board gave me special permission to write this one, which will be my last installment. I am totally aware that this will come as welcome news to those few of you who have been criticizing them since the first one I did in November 2021, but... as my old dad used to say... “we can't all be Robert Frost; some of us just have to be Ogden Nash”.  


In any case, I thank those of have you who sent kind words of support.


Joyce Torrey, Ex- Sec

Report to the Community-August, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


This month’s Board Meeting was held on August 15, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffen, Treas. Bill Scott, and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   

Here are a few quick updates:

-The work on the Logger Road entrance is now scheduled for September, (Yes, finally!) The trees have been topped and we are next on Panther Trucking’s schedule once they have completed a job in progress.

-As I reported last month, the 2025 budget-- which you will vote on in October-- does not include any dues increase.  Joan Griffin is currently doing some last-minute tweaking to make sure we have allocated sufficient funds for the variable areas such as snow removal and lake ecology, but it looks good for our financial health in the coming year.

-Charlie, Bill Scott and Jamie Brush have re-mulched the path up to Lookout Point.  If you haven’t made the easy climb up there yet you really, really should.   It’s an amazing view of the Delaware Water Gap….and in my opinion New Jersey never looked so good!  (Kidding!)

-Marie and Jerry Benincasa, long- time and very active members and volunteers for this community, will be moving away this fall to be closer to the grandkids.  Hopefully they (and you!) will be able to attend our bonfire scheduled for September 14thso we can all thank them properly and wish them well.


Picnic!    We had amazing weather, and boy, were we lucky considering the storm that came through the day before.   (There was a rumor going around the picnic grove that I had sacrificed one of my ex-husbands to the rain gods to ensure the good weather.   This is not true…I would NEVER have been able to choose which one had to go off the rim of the volcano.)  

120 people came and ate and chatted with neighbors and played games, and by all accounts had a great time.  Which makes all the work worthwhile. 

Once again, we really owe it all to the picnic volunteers.   The Grill Guys (Charlie Schaffer, Jerry Benincasa, John Cafarella, Gerry Daidone); the Servers (Peggy Keyser, Joan Griffin, Kat Lauer, Judy Sweeny, Susan McClure, Roe Gagliardo, Linda Foran, and Fran Daidone); The registration table (Marg Cafarella, Jan Olsommer, Pat Pancoast); the distinguished parking attendants, Jon Pancoast and Bill Scott;  our photographer Mike Foran;   and a special thank you goes to Paul Burke our most excellent volunteer DJ, and to Stephanie Pace and Kat Lauer for selling all those 50/50 tickets!

And Marie Benincasa.  What can I say.   Shopping, cooking, texting, inventory, commiserating and good advice…honestly, I don’t know how this picnic will happen next year without you.


In closing, remember, if you want to run for a seat on the Board you need to tell me or Diane in the office by 8/25, and return your bio form by that Friday 8/30.   The ballot will be mailed 9/5!


See you at the BONFIRE, September 14th.   Bring chairs and whatever you’re drinking.


Joyce Torrey

Sec. Board of Directors.

Report to the Community-November, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on November 21, 2024. Attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott, Al Sicignano.



Logger Rd entrance construction is completed and open!  Lakewood Dr. (East side) entrance will be under construction starting in the springtime. 


Joan Griffin wants to let everyone know that she is a licensed notary and available to members if needed.


Panther will again do our snow plowing for next year.


Social Committee still is in need of volunteers.  Roseanne Gagliardo has a lot of ideas for different events and hopefully will be starting up again in January.


Seems our volunteers put up the Lake in the Woods snow fence just in time for the first snow.  Thank you to the helpers.


A few REMINDERS from LITC Rules & Regulation:


            #3 states 20 mph speed limit on roads by all vehicles.

            #4 states NO HUNTING within LITC boundaries.

            #5 states ABSOLUTELY NO DISCHARGING OF ANY FIREARM within LITC.  This includes your private property.

            #9 states that all dogs must be on leash when on LITC roads or common areas.


Pets are not allowed to run free or chase people or cars. Please be in control of your animals and clean up any waste.


Also, please be conscious of your neighbors.  Shooting off fireworks can be very disturbing to some people and also animals causing great distress.



Thank you,

Susan Kirstein, Sec.

Report to the Community-September, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on September 19, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Bill Scott, Susan Kirstein, Al Sicignano and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   


Panther Trucking will start work on Logger Rd this month, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  The Board wants to thank the Logger Rd folks for their patience during this LONG ordeal.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Ed Kirstein have been trying to stay ahead of a group of VERY busy beavers in Lake in The Woods.  The beavers are felling trees and attempting to block off the spillway.  Unfortunately this puts us in the position of trying to balance two conflicting PA State regulations:  1. Dam spillways must be kept open and free of debris; and 2.  It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, or interfere with a beaver dam or house.    Some days it seems the beavers are winning, but the guys aren't giving up.


The Sept 14 bonfire was well attended and we were able to appropriately thank Jerry and Marie Benincasa for their long and active service to this community.  (They were THRILLED to receive our gift of a Lifetime Free Pass to the annual picnic!  :-)    With Marie's departure we need a new Chair for the Social Committee.  If that sounds like a fun job for you please come to a Board Meeting and tell us your ideas!


We have had some amazing weather this past month and we are hoping it lasts into October.  With that in mind, we will hold off making a decision on whether to hold the October 5th General Meeting and Election inside the clubhouse or outside at the pavilion., until a day or two beforehand.    When you arrive at the meeting, look for the crowd and you'll know what the decision was!


Regardless of the weather we will hold a Potluck Dinner at 6PM on October 5 in the clubhouse.  PLEASE let us know if you plan to come so that we can set up tables etc. Just leave a message at the office, or email

The General Meeting and Election itself will start at 1PM on October 5th.    Mailed ballots must be in by October 1st.


Have a great fall and see you on the 5th.


Joyce Torrey, Sec

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Report to LITCPOA

December 2024




Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on December 19, 2024 in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.  Attending was Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott and Joyce Torrey.


As of last month, the Logger Road entrance is open and functional.  This Spring/Summer the Board hopes to have both the main West side entrance and the East side entrance completed.


Joan Griffin, our treasurer, reported that we are doing well with our budget and our account balances are ahead of last year.  Thank you to everyone who pays their dues in a timely manner.


The Board is aware that one of the pillars at the West entrance has been damaged.  We have a volunteer that can repair it for us come better weather.


Under lake ecology:

Lake in the Clouds dam has been inspected and found to be in good condition.

The Board is awaiting the 2025 contract for treating the lakes.  We are asking for lily pads to be treated again not just bladderwort and the other plant that I can't remember the name of!


The Board will soon be looking for a lifeguard for the upcoming summer.  If anyone is interested or knows of someone, please contact the office with your info.  570-676-0900 or


Winter is here!


             Our snow plowing contract states that there must be 3 inches of snow before they come and plow. The company is usually very good about our roads but we do have quite a few miles of them to be plowed.  Please have patience.


The beach, picnic and clubhouse areas are restricted areas.  NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED as per the signage. This includes any kind of ATV, snowmobiles, cars, motorcycles.

            Please keep any culverts on your property clear of debris.

            Speed limit is 20 MPH on all roads.  Especially important with snow and ice in spots.


Next meeting will be held on January 16, 2025.  6:00 PM in the clubhouse.


The Board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 

Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Hello LITC members,


This month’s Board meeting was held on January 16, 2025 in the clubhouse at 6:00PM.  Attending were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas, Bill Scott and Al Sicignano.


A full treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer, Joan Griffin.  The community is in good financial shape.


Thank you to VP Phil Barrow for donating a chainsaw and accessories  to the community.


The Social Committee now headed up by Roseanne Gagliardo held their first event on Saturday night the 18th.  Chili Night was very well attended with over 30 people!  Food was plentiful and delicious.  It certainly appeared that everyone was having a good time.  Thank you, Ro and helpers. 


The Community is in search of a lifeguard for this summer.  It has become more  difficult to find someone because of all the nearby water parks.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please contact the office. 


A few reminders:


  • No motorized vehicles allowed in the beach/swimming areas.

  • Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out.  Please pay promptly.

  • Parking on the side of our roads can be dangerous.  Roads are narrow and in many spots hilly.  In the dark this creates a safety issue.  Also, a car parked on the side of the road will most certainly hinder any snow plowing that needs to be done.


The next Board meeting will be on February 20th at 6:00PM in the clubhouse. 





Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Report to the Community-October, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on October 17, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Susan Kirstein, Sec.,  Joyce Torrey,  and Bill Scott.  


As promised, Panther Trucking began work on Logger Rd a few weeks ago, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  Unfortunately they can't finish the job until the state inspects what they've done so far!    Hopefully they'll surprise us and actually DO the inspection in a timely manner.  


We had a beautiful day for the October 5th General Meeting and Election.  About 30 members attended, and 81 ballots were recorded.   Congratulations to Phil Barrow, Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein, and Al Sicignano, who were all re-elected to another two year term.  


During the meeting, the discussion got a little “lively” at times, specifically on the subjects of lily pads, beavers and short-term rentals.    With regard to lily pads and beavers, the Board pledged to do its best to improve conditions for next season;  with short-term rentals however, there is no acceptable compromise.  We don't allow it and will pursue action against those who break this rule.


BTW, we held two “Meet the Candidates” sessions in September and very few people attended, so next year we will have only one session.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Jeff O'Lear got all the picnic tables up under the pavilion for the winter.    And the dead evergreen trees that have flanked the clubhouse/office sign for years, have been taken down.    We'll be planting things in their place soon.   


Those of us who have lived at Lake in the Clouds since pre-Covid,  fondly remember the monthly dinners, card games, holiday parties etc. that were coordinated by Marie Benincasa and the Social Committee.   Last month Diane sent out an email asking anyone who might be interested in chairing or joining a Social Committee, to attend this month's Board meeting and share some ideas. 

No-one came. 


This surprised me, as I had heard from a few people who said they wanted to do it.  But you can't just SAY it.... you have to step up and DO it.    Get a few willing friends together and say something like “We'd like to have a Dinner Party at the club house on January 14th.”   The Board budgets money for food and supplies so we need to hear and approve your plans.  Then Diane can help get the word out through email, and we'll get it up on the website and sign boards.  The Social Committee decides the menu, coordinates who brings what, etc.   Marie Benincasa is here for a few more months and is willing to share her experience.

Meanwhile, LITC Member Ray DiPaoli had a great idea.    He suggested a community art show, saying “many people have hobbies and talents...some hidden...and given the chance they could share their work at an art show.”  He went on to list things like paintings, photos, carving, pottery, quilting, arts and crafts...well you get the idea.  The Board really liked the idea so I called Mr. DiPaoli and chatted with him about it, and he has agreed to manage the process!   We discussed holding an event in early September 2025 giving everyone a chance to prepare.     Before he can really start planning, however, he needs to get a feel for how many of us might be interested.  So, with his permission I am putting his email address here:     Please send him a note if think you'd like to participate


On the Monday following the General Meeting and Election the Board met to elect it's officers.   Charlie, Phil, and Joan retained their positions as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively.   And then I nominated Susan Kirstein to be Secretary, and she was unanimously elected.  I did enjoy the job....but it was time for someone else to do it, and I'm thankful to Susan for being willing.  So congratulations are in order for your Board Officers.


With Susan as Secretary, I am officially retired as the author of these Board Reports.   The Board gave me special permission to write this one, which will be my last installment. I am totally aware that this will come as welcome news to those few of you who have been criticizing them since the first one I did in November 2021, but... as my old dad used to say... “we can't all be Robert Frost; some of us just have to be Ogden Nash”.  


In any case, I thank those of have you who sent kind words of support.


Joyce Torrey, Ex- Sec

Report to the Community-August, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


This month’s Board Meeting was held on August 15, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffen, Treas. Bill Scott, and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   

Here are a few quick updates:

-The work on the Logger Road entrance is now scheduled for September, (Yes, finally!) The trees have been topped and we are next on Panther Trucking’s schedule once they have completed a job in progress.

-As I reported last month, the 2025 budget-- which you will vote on in October-- does not include any dues increase.  Joan Griffin is currently doing some last-minute tweaking to make sure we have allocated sufficient funds for the variable areas such as snow removal and lake ecology, but it looks good for our financial health in the coming year.

-Charlie, Bill Scott and Jamie Brush have re-mulched the path up to Lookout Point.  If you haven’t made the easy climb up there yet you really, really should.   It’s an amazing view of the Delaware Water Gap….and in my opinion New Jersey never looked so good!  (Kidding!)

-Marie and Jerry Benincasa, long- time and very active members and volunteers for this community, will be moving away this fall to be closer to the grandkids.  Hopefully they (and you!) will be able to attend our bonfire scheduled for September 14thso we can all thank them properly and wish them well.


Picnic!    We had amazing weather, and boy, were we lucky considering the storm that came through the day before.   (There was a rumor going around the picnic grove that I had sacrificed one of my ex-husbands to the rain gods to ensure the good weather.   This is not true…I would NEVER have been able to choose which one had to go off the rim of the volcano.)  

120 people came and ate and chatted with neighbors and played games, and by all accounts had a great time.  Which makes all the work worthwhile. 

Once again, we really owe it all to the picnic volunteers.   The Grill Guys (Charlie Schaffer, Jerry Benincasa, John Cafarella, Gerry Daidone); the Servers (Peggy Keyser, Joan Griffin, Kat Lauer, Judy Sweeny, Susan McClure, Roe Gagliardo, Linda Foran, and Fran Daidone); The registration table (Marg Cafarella, Jan Olsommer, Pat Pancoast); the distinguished parking attendants, Jon Pancoast and Bill Scott;  our photographer Mike Foran;   and a special thank you goes to Paul Burke our most excellent volunteer DJ, and to Stephanie Pace and Kat Lauer for selling all those 50/50 tickets!

And Marie Benincasa.  What can I say.   Shopping, cooking, texting, inventory, commiserating and good advice…honestly, I don’t know how this picnic will happen next year without you.


In closing, remember, if you want to run for a seat on the Board you need to tell me or Diane in the office by 8/25, and return your bio form by that Friday 8/30.   The ballot will be mailed 9/5!


See you at the BONFIRE, September 14th.   Bring chairs and whatever you’re drinking.


Joyce Torrey

Sec. Board of Directors.

Report to the Community-November, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on November 21, 2024. Attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott, Al Sicignano.



Logger Rd entrance construction is completed and open!  Lakewood Dr. (East side) entrance will be under construction starting in the springtime. 


Joan Griffin wants to let everyone know that she is a licensed notary and available to members if needed.


Panther will again do our snow plowing for next year.


Social Committee still is in need of volunteers.  Roseanne Gagliardo has a lot of ideas for different events and hopefully will be starting up again in January.


Seems our volunteers put up the Lake in the Woods snow fence just in time for the first snow.  Thank you to the helpers.


A few REMINDERS from LITC Rules & Regulation:


            #3 states 20 mph speed limit on roads by all vehicles.

            #4 states NO HUNTING within LITC boundaries.

            #5 states ABSOLUTELY NO DISCHARGING OF ANY FIREARM within LITC.  This includes your private property.

            #9 states that all dogs must be on leash when on LITC roads or common areas.


Pets are not allowed to run free or chase people or cars. Please be in control of your animals and clean up any waste.


Also, please be conscious of your neighbors.  Shooting off fireworks can be very disturbing to some people and also animals causing great distress.



Thank you,

Susan Kirstein, Sec.

Report to the Community-September, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on September 19, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Bill Scott, Susan Kirstein, Al Sicignano and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   


Panther Trucking will start work on Logger Rd this month, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  The Board wants to thank the Logger Rd folks for their patience during this LONG ordeal.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Ed Kirstein have been trying to stay ahead of a group of VERY busy beavers in Lake in The Woods.  The beavers are felling trees and attempting to block off the spillway.  Unfortunately this puts us in the position of trying to balance two conflicting PA State regulations:  1. Dam spillways must be kept open and free of debris; and 2.  It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, or interfere with a beaver dam or house.    Some days it seems the beavers are winning, but the guys aren't giving up.


The Sept 14 bonfire was well attended and we were able to appropriately thank Jerry and Marie Benincasa for their long and active service to this community.  (They were THRILLED to receive our gift of a Lifetime Free Pass to the annual picnic!  :-)    With Marie's departure we need a new Chair for the Social Committee.  If that sounds like a fun job for you please come to a Board Meeting and tell us your ideas!


We have had some amazing weather this past month and we are hoping it lasts into October.  With that in mind, we will hold off making a decision on whether to hold the October 5th General Meeting and Election inside the clubhouse or outside at the pavilion., until a day or two beforehand.    When you arrive at the meeting, look for the crowd and you'll know what the decision was!


Regardless of the weather we will hold a Potluck Dinner at 6PM on October 5 in the clubhouse.  PLEASE let us know if you plan to come so that we can set up tables etc. Just leave a message at the office, or email

The General Meeting and Election itself will start at 1PM on October 5th.    Mailed ballots must be in by October 1st.


Have a great fall and see you on the 5th.


Joyce Torrey, Sec

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Report to LITCPOA

December 2024




Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on December 19, 2024 in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.  Attending was Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott and Joyce Torrey.


As of last month, the Logger Road entrance is open and functional.  This Spring/Summer the Board hopes to have both the main West side entrance and the East side entrance completed.


Joan Griffin, our treasurer, reported that we are doing well with our budget and our account balances are ahead of last year.  Thank you to everyone who pays their dues in a timely manner.


The Board is aware that one of the pillars at the West entrance has been damaged.  We have a volunteer that can repair it for us come better weather.


Under lake ecology:

Lake in the Clouds dam has been inspected and found to be in good condition.

The Board is awaiting the 2025 contract for treating the lakes.  We are asking for lily pads to be treated again not just bladderwort and the other plant that I can't remember the name of!


The Board will soon be looking for a lifeguard for the upcoming summer.  If anyone is interested or knows of someone, please contact the office with your info.  570-676-0900 or


Winter is here!


             Our snow plowing contract states that there must be 3 inches of snow before they come and plow. The company is usually very good about our roads but we do have quite a few miles of them to be plowed.  Please have patience.


The beach, picnic and clubhouse areas are restricted areas.  NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED as per the signage. This includes any kind of ATV, snowmobiles, cars, motorcycles.

            Please keep any culverts on your property clear of debris.

            Speed limit is 20 MPH on all roads.  Especially important with snow and ice in spots.


Next meeting will be held on January 16, 2025.  6:00 PM in the clubhouse.


The Board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 

Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Hello LITC members,


This month’s Board meeting was held on January 16, 2025 in the clubhouse at 6:00PM.  Attending were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas, Bill Scott and Al Sicignano.


A full treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer, Joan Griffin.  The community is in good financial shape.


Thank you to VP Phil Barrow for donating a chainsaw and accessories  to the community.


The Social Committee now headed up by Roseanne Gagliardo held their first event on Saturday night the 18th.  Chili Night was very well attended with over 30 people!  Food was plentiful and delicious.  It certainly appeared that everyone was having a good time.  Thank you, Ro and helpers. 


The Community is in search of a lifeguard for this summer.  It has become more  difficult to find someone because of all the nearby water parks.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please contact the office. 


A few reminders:


  • No motorized vehicles allowed in the beach/swimming areas.

  • Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out.  Please pay promptly.

  • Parking on the side of our roads can be dangerous.  Roads are narrow and in many spots hilly.  In the dark this creates a safety issue.  Also, a car parked on the side of the road will most certainly hinder any snow plowing that needs to be done.


The next Board meeting will be on February 20th at 6:00PM in the clubhouse. 





Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Report to the Community-October, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on October 17, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Susan Kirstein, Sec.,  Joyce Torrey,  and Bill Scott.  


As promised, Panther Trucking began work on Logger Rd a few weeks ago, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  Unfortunately they can't finish the job until the state inspects what they've done so far!    Hopefully they'll surprise us and actually DO the inspection in a timely manner.  


We had a beautiful day for the October 5th General Meeting and Election.  About 30 members attended, and 81 ballots were recorded.   Congratulations to Phil Barrow, Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein, and Al Sicignano, who were all re-elected to another two year term.  


During the meeting, the discussion got a little “lively” at times, specifically on the subjects of lily pads, beavers and short-term rentals.    With regard to lily pads and beavers, the Board pledged to do its best to improve conditions for next season;  with short-term rentals however, there is no acceptable compromise.  We don't allow it and will pursue action against those who break this rule.


BTW, we held two “Meet the Candidates” sessions in September and very few people attended, so next year we will have only one session.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Jeff O'Lear got all the picnic tables up under the pavilion for the winter.    And the dead evergreen trees that have flanked the clubhouse/office sign for years, have been taken down.    We'll be planting things in their place soon.   


Those of us who have lived at Lake in the Clouds since pre-Covid,  fondly remember the monthly dinners, card games, holiday parties etc. that were coordinated by Marie Benincasa and the Social Committee.   Last month Diane sent out an email asking anyone who might be interested in chairing or joining a Social Committee, to attend this month's Board meeting and share some ideas. 

No-one came. 


This surprised me, as I had heard from a few people who said they wanted to do it.  But you can't just SAY it.... you have to step up and DO it.    Get a few willing friends together and say something like “We'd like to have a Dinner Party at the club house on January 14th.”   The Board budgets money for food and supplies so we need to hear and approve your plans.  Then Diane can help get the word out through email, and we'll get it up on the website and sign boards.  The Social Committee decides the menu, coordinates who brings what, etc.   Marie Benincasa is here for a few more months and is willing to share her experience.

Meanwhile, LITC Member Ray DiPaoli had a great idea.    He suggested a community art show, saying “many people have hobbies and talents...some hidden...and given the chance they could share their work at an art show.”  He went on to list things like paintings, photos, carving, pottery, quilting, arts and crafts...well you get the idea.  The Board really liked the idea so I called Mr. DiPaoli and chatted with him about it, and he has agreed to manage the process!   We discussed holding an event in early September 2025 giving everyone a chance to prepare.     Before he can really start planning, however, he needs to get a feel for how many of us might be interested.  So, with his permission I am putting his email address here:     Please send him a note if think you'd like to participate


On the Monday following the General Meeting and Election the Board met to elect it's officers.   Charlie, Phil, and Joan retained their positions as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively.   And then I nominated Susan Kirstein to be Secretary, and she was unanimously elected.  I did enjoy the job....but it was time for someone else to do it, and I'm thankful to Susan for being willing.  So congratulations are in order for your Board Officers.


With Susan as Secretary, I am officially retired as the author of these Board Reports.   The Board gave me special permission to write this one, which will be my last installment. I am totally aware that this will come as welcome news to those few of you who have been criticizing them since the first one I did in November 2021, but... as my old dad used to say... “we can't all be Robert Frost; some of us just have to be Ogden Nash”.  


In any case, I thank those of have you who sent kind words of support.


Joyce Torrey, Ex- Sec

Report to the Community-August, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


This month’s Board Meeting was held on August 15, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffen, Treas. Bill Scott, and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   

Here are a few quick updates:

-The work on the Logger Road entrance is now scheduled for September, (Yes, finally!) The trees have been topped and we are next on Panther Trucking’s schedule once they have completed a job in progress.

-As I reported last month, the 2025 budget-- which you will vote on in October-- does not include any dues increase.  Joan Griffin is currently doing some last-minute tweaking to make sure we have allocated sufficient funds for the variable areas such as snow removal and lake ecology, but it looks good for our financial health in the coming year.

-Charlie, Bill Scott and Jamie Brush have re-mulched the path up to Lookout Point.  If you haven’t made the easy climb up there yet you really, really should.   It’s an amazing view of the Delaware Water Gap….and in my opinion New Jersey never looked so good!  (Kidding!)

-Marie and Jerry Benincasa, long- time and very active members and volunteers for this community, will be moving away this fall to be closer to the grandkids.  Hopefully they (and you!) will be able to attend our bonfire scheduled for September 14thso we can all thank them properly and wish them well.


Picnic!    We had amazing weather, and boy, were we lucky considering the storm that came through the day before.   (There was a rumor going around the picnic grove that I had sacrificed one of my ex-husbands to the rain gods to ensure the good weather.   This is not true…I would NEVER have been able to choose which one had to go off the rim of the volcano.)  

120 people came and ate and chatted with neighbors and played games, and by all accounts had a great time.  Which makes all the work worthwhile. 

Once again, we really owe it all to the picnic volunteers.   The Grill Guys (Charlie Schaffer, Jerry Benincasa, John Cafarella, Gerry Daidone); the Servers (Peggy Keyser, Joan Griffin, Kat Lauer, Judy Sweeny, Susan McClure, Roe Gagliardo, Linda Foran, and Fran Daidone); The registration table (Marg Cafarella, Jan Olsommer, Pat Pancoast); the distinguished parking attendants, Jon Pancoast and Bill Scott;  our photographer Mike Foran;   and a special thank you goes to Paul Burke our most excellent volunteer DJ, and to Stephanie Pace and Kat Lauer for selling all those 50/50 tickets!

And Marie Benincasa.  What can I say.   Shopping, cooking, texting, inventory, commiserating and good advice…honestly, I don’t know how this picnic will happen next year without you.


In closing, remember, if you want to run for a seat on the Board you need to tell me or Diane in the office by 8/25, and return your bio form by that Friday 8/30.   The ballot will be mailed 9/5!


See you at the BONFIRE, September 14th.   Bring chairs and whatever you’re drinking.


Joyce Torrey

Sec. Board of Directors.

Report to the Community-November, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on November 21, 2024. Attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott, Al Sicignano.



Logger Rd entrance construction is completed and open!  Lakewood Dr. (East side) entrance will be under construction starting in the springtime. 


Joan Griffin wants to let everyone know that she is a licensed notary and available to members if needed.


Panther will again do our snow plowing for next year.


Social Committee still is in need of volunteers.  Roseanne Gagliardo has a lot of ideas for different events and hopefully will be starting up again in January.


Seems our volunteers put up the Lake in the Woods snow fence just in time for the first snow.  Thank you to the helpers.


A few REMINDERS from LITC Rules & Regulation:


            #3 states 20 mph speed limit on roads by all vehicles.

            #4 states NO HUNTING within LITC boundaries.

            #5 states ABSOLUTELY NO DISCHARGING OF ANY FIREARM within LITC.  This includes your private property.

            #9 states that all dogs must be on leash when on LITC roads or common areas.


Pets are not allowed to run free or chase people or cars. Please be in control of your animals and clean up any waste.


Also, please be conscious of your neighbors.  Shooting off fireworks can be very disturbing to some people and also animals causing great distress.



Thank you,

Susan Kirstein, Sec.

Report to the Community-September, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on September 19, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Bill Scott, Susan Kirstein, Al Sicignano and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   


Panther Trucking will start work on Logger Rd this month, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  The Board wants to thank the Logger Rd folks for their patience during this LONG ordeal.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Ed Kirstein have been trying to stay ahead of a group of VERY busy beavers in Lake in The Woods.  The beavers are felling trees and attempting to block off the spillway.  Unfortunately this puts us in the position of trying to balance two conflicting PA State regulations:  1. Dam spillways must be kept open and free of debris; and 2.  It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, or interfere with a beaver dam or house.    Some days it seems the beavers are winning, but the guys aren't giving up.


The Sept 14 bonfire was well attended and we were able to appropriately thank Jerry and Marie Benincasa for their long and active service to this community.  (They were THRILLED to receive our gift of a Lifetime Free Pass to the annual picnic!  :-)    With Marie's departure we need a new Chair for the Social Committee.  If that sounds like a fun job for you please come to a Board Meeting and tell us your ideas!


We have had some amazing weather this past month and we are hoping it lasts into October.  With that in mind, we will hold off making a decision on whether to hold the October 5th General Meeting and Election inside the clubhouse or outside at the pavilion., until a day or two beforehand.    When you arrive at the meeting, look for the crowd and you'll know what the decision was!


Regardless of the weather we will hold a Potluck Dinner at 6PM on October 5 in the clubhouse.  PLEASE let us know if you plan to come so that we can set up tables etc. Just leave a message at the office, or email

The General Meeting and Election itself will start at 1PM on October 5th.    Mailed ballots must be in by October 1st.


Have a great fall and see you on the 5th.


Joyce Torrey, Sec

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Report to LITCPOA

December 2024




Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on December 19, 2024 in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.  Attending was Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott and Joyce Torrey.


As of last month, the Logger Road entrance is open and functional.  This Spring/Summer the Board hopes to have both the main West side entrance and the East side entrance completed.


Joan Griffin, our treasurer, reported that we are doing well with our budget and our account balances are ahead of last year.  Thank you to everyone who pays their dues in a timely manner.


The Board is aware that one of the pillars at the West entrance has been damaged.  We have a volunteer that can repair it for us come better weather.


Under lake ecology:

Lake in the Clouds dam has been inspected and found to be in good condition.

The Board is awaiting the 2025 contract for treating the lakes.  We are asking for lily pads to be treated again not just bladderwort and the other plant that I can't remember the name of!


The Board will soon be looking for a lifeguard for the upcoming summer.  If anyone is interested or knows of someone, please contact the office with your info.  570-676-0900 or


Winter is here!


             Our snow plowing contract states that there must be 3 inches of snow before they come and plow. The company is usually very good about our roads but we do have quite a few miles of them to be plowed.  Please have patience.


The beach, picnic and clubhouse areas are restricted areas.  NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED as per the signage. This includes any kind of ATV, snowmobiles, cars, motorcycles.

            Please keep any culverts on your property clear of debris.

            Speed limit is 20 MPH on all roads.  Especially important with snow and ice in spots.


Next meeting will be held on January 16, 2025.  6:00 PM in the clubhouse.


The Board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 

Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Hello LITC members,


This month’s Board meeting was held on January 16, 2025 in the clubhouse at 6:00PM.  Attending were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas, Bill Scott and Al Sicignano.


A full treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer, Joan Griffin.  The community is in good financial shape.


Thank you to VP Phil Barrow for donating a chainsaw and accessories  to the community.


The Social Committee now headed up by Roseanne Gagliardo held their first event on Saturday night the 18th.  Chili Night was very well attended with over 30 people!  Food was plentiful and delicious.  It certainly appeared that everyone was having a good time.  Thank you, Ro and helpers. 


The Community is in search of a lifeguard for this summer.  It has become more  difficult to find someone because of all the nearby water parks.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please contact the office. 


A few reminders:


  • No motorized vehicles allowed in the beach/swimming areas.

  • Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out.  Please pay promptly.

  • Parking on the side of our roads can be dangerous.  Roads are narrow and in many spots hilly.  In the dark this creates a safety issue.  Also, a car parked on the side of the road will most certainly hinder any snow plowing that needs to be done.


The next Board meeting will be on February 20th at 6:00PM in the clubhouse. 





Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Report to the Community-October, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on October 17, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Susan Kirstein, Sec.,  Joyce Torrey,  and Bill Scott.  


As promised, Panther Trucking began work on Logger Rd a few weeks ago, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  Unfortunately they can't finish the job until the state inspects what they've done so far!    Hopefully they'll surprise us and actually DO the inspection in a timely manner.  


We had a beautiful day for the October 5th General Meeting and Election.  About 30 members attended, and 81 ballots were recorded.   Congratulations to Phil Barrow, Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein, and Al Sicignano, who were all re-elected to another two year term.  


During the meeting, the discussion got a little “lively” at times, specifically on the subjects of lily pads, beavers and short-term rentals.    With regard to lily pads and beavers, the Board pledged to do its best to improve conditions for next season;  with short-term rentals however, there is no acceptable compromise.  We don't allow it and will pursue action against those who break this rule.


BTW, we held two “Meet the Candidates” sessions in September and very few people attended, so next year we will have only one session.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Jeff O'Lear got all the picnic tables up under the pavilion for the winter.    And the dead evergreen trees that have flanked the clubhouse/office sign for years, have been taken down.    We'll be planting things in their place soon.   


Those of us who have lived at Lake in the Clouds since pre-Covid,  fondly remember the monthly dinners, card games, holiday parties etc. that were coordinated by Marie Benincasa and the Social Committee.   Last month Diane sent out an email asking anyone who might be interested in chairing or joining a Social Committee, to attend this month's Board meeting and share some ideas. 

No-one came. 


This surprised me, as I had heard from a few people who said they wanted to do it.  But you can't just SAY it.... you have to step up and DO it.    Get a few willing friends together and say something like “We'd like to have a Dinner Party at the club house on January 14th.”   The Board budgets money for food and supplies so we need to hear and approve your plans.  Then Diane can help get the word out through email, and we'll get it up on the website and sign boards.  The Social Committee decides the menu, coordinates who brings what, etc.   Marie Benincasa is here for a few more months and is willing to share her experience.

Meanwhile, LITC Member Ray DiPaoli had a great idea.    He suggested a community art show, saying “many people have hobbies and talents...some hidden...and given the chance they could share their work at an art show.”  He went on to list things like paintings, photos, carving, pottery, quilting, arts and crafts...well you get the idea.  The Board really liked the idea so I called Mr. DiPaoli and chatted with him about it, and he has agreed to manage the process!   We discussed holding an event in early September 2025 giving everyone a chance to prepare.     Before he can really start planning, however, he needs to get a feel for how many of us might be interested.  So, with his permission I am putting his email address here:     Please send him a note if think you'd like to participate


On the Monday following the General Meeting and Election the Board met to elect it's officers.   Charlie, Phil, and Joan retained their positions as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively.   And then I nominated Susan Kirstein to be Secretary, and she was unanimously elected.  I did enjoy the job....but it was time for someone else to do it, and I'm thankful to Susan for being willing.  So congratulations are in order for your Board Officers.


With Susan as Secretary, I am officially retired as the author of these Board Reports.   The Board gave me special permission to write this one, which will be my last installment. I am totally aware that this will come as welcome news to those few of you who have been criticizing them since the first one I did in November 2021, but... as my old dad used to say... “we can't all be Robert Frost; some of us just have to be Ogden Nash”.  


In any case, I thank those of have you who sent kind words of support.


Joyce Torrey, Ex- Sec

Report to the Community-August, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


This month’s Board Meeting was held on August 15, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffen, Treas. Bill Scott, and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   

Here are a few quick updates:

-The work on the Logger Road entrance is now scheduled for September, (Yes, finally!) The trees have been topped and we are next on Panther Trucking’s schedule once they have completed a job in progress.

-As I reported last month, the 2025 budget-- which you will vote on in October-- does not include any dues increase.  Joan Griffin is currently doing some last-minute tweaking to make sure we have allocated sufficient funds for the variable areas such as snow removal and lake ecology, but it looks good for our financial health in the coming year.

-Charlie, Bill Scott and Jamie Brush have re-mulched the path up to Lookout Point.  If you haven’t made the easy climb up there yet you really, really should.   It’s an amazing view of the Delaware Water Gap….and in my opinion New Jersey never looked so good!  (Kidding!)

-Marie and Jerry Benincasa, long- time and very active members and volunteers for this community, will be moving away this fall to be closer to the grandkids.  Hopefully they (and you!) will be able to attend our bonfire scheduled for September 14thso we can all thank them properly and wish them well.


Picnic!    We had amazing weather, and boy, were we lucky considering the storm that came through the day before.   (There was a rumor going around the picnic grove that I had sacrificed one of my ex-husbands to the rain gods to ensure the good weather.   This is not true…I would NEVER have been able to choose which one had to go off the rim of the volcano.)  

120 people came and ate and chatted with neighbors and played games, and by all accounts had a great time.  Which makes all the work worthwhile. 

Once again, we really owe it all to the picnic volunteers.   The Grill Guys (Charlie Schaffer, Jerry Benincasa, John Cafarella, Gerry Daidone); the Servers (Peggy Keyser, Joan Griffin, Kat Lauer, Judy Sweeny, Susan McClure, Roe Gagliardo, Linda Foran, and Fran Daidone); The registration table (Marg Cafarella, Jan Olsommer, Pat Pancoast); the distinguished parking attendants, Jon Pancoast and Bill Scott;  our photographer Mike Foran;   and a special thank you goes to Paul Burke our most excellent volunteer DJ, and to Stephanie Pace and Kat Lauer for selling all those 50/50 tickets!

And Marie Benincasa.  What can I say.   Shopping, cooking, texting, inventory, commiserating and good advice…honestly, I don’t know how this picnic will happen next year without you.


In closing, remember, if you want to run for a seat on the Board you need to tell me or Diane in the office by 8/25, and return your bio form by that Friday 8/30.   The ballot will be mailed 9/5!


See you at the BONFIRE, September 14th.   Bring chairs and whatever you’re drinking.


Joyce Torrey

Sec. Board of Directors.

Report to the Community-November, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on November 21, 2024. Attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott, Al Sicignano.



Logger Rd entrance construction is completed and open!  Lakewood Dr. (East side) entrance will be under construction starting in the springtime. 


Joan Griffin wants to let everyone know that she is a licensed notary and available to members if needed.


Panther will again do our snow plowing for next year.


Social Committee still is in need of volunteers.  Roseanne Gagliardo has a lot of ideas for different events and hopefully will be starting up again in January.


Seems our volunteers put up the Lake in the Woods snow fence just in time for the first snow.  Thank you to the helpers.


A few REMINDERS from LITC Rules & Regulation:


            #3 states 20 mph speed limit on roads by all vehicles.

            #4 states NO HUNTING within LITC boundaries.

            #5 states ABSOLUTELY NO DISCHARGING OF ANY FIREARM within LITC.  This includes your private property.

            #9 states that all dogs must be on leash when on LITC roads or common areas.


Pets are not allowed to run free or chase people or cars. Please be in control of your animals and clean up any waste.


Also, please be conscious of your neighbors.  Shooting off fireworks can be very disturbing to some people and also animals causing great distress.



Thank you,

Susan Kirstein, Sec.

Report to the Community-September, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on September 19, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Bill Scott, Susan Kirstein, Al Sicignano and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   


Panther Trucking will start work on Logger Rd this month, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  The Board wants to thank the Logger Rd folks for their patience during this LONG ordeal.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Ed Kirstein have been trying to stay ahead of a group of VERY busy beavers in Lake in The Woods.  The beavers are felling trees and attempting to block off the spillway.  Unfortunately this puts us in the position of trying to balance two conflicting PA State regulations:  1. Dam spillways must be kept open and free of debris; and 2.  It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, or interfere with a beaver dam or house.    Some days it seems the beavers are winning, but the guys aren't giving up.


The Sept 14 bonfire was well attended and we were able to appropriately thank Jerry and Marie Benincasa for their long and active service to this community.  (They were THRILLED to receive our gift of a Lifetime Free Pass to the annual picnic!  :-)    With Marie's departure we need a new Chair for the Social Committee.  If that sounds like a fun job for you please come to a Board Meeting and tell us your ideas!


We have had some amazing weather this past month and we are hoping it lasts into October.  With that in mind, we will hold off making a decision on whether to hold the October 5th General Meeting and Election inside the clubhouse or outside at the pavilion., until a day or two beforehand.    When you arrive at the meeting, look for the crowd and you'll know what the decision was!


Regardless of the weather we will hold a Potluck Dinner at 6PM on October 5 in the clubhouse.  PLEASE let us know if you plan to come so that we can set up tables etc. Just leave a message at the office, or email

The General Meeting and Election itself will start at 1PM on October 5th.    Mailed ballots must be in by October 1st.


Have a great fall and see you on the 5th.


Joyce Torrey, Sec

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Report to LITCPOA

December 2024




Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on December 19, 2024 in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.  Attending was Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott and Joyce Torrey.


As of last month, the Logger Road entrance is open and functional.  This Spring/Summer the Board hopes to have both the main West side entrance and the East side entrance completed.


Joan Griffin, our treasurer, reported that we are doing well with our budget and our account balances are ahead of last year.  Thank you to everyone who pays their dues in a timely manner.


The Board is aware that one of the pillars at the West entrance has been damaged.  We have a volunteer that can repair it for us come better weather.


Under lake ecology:

Lake in the Clouds dam has been inspected and found to be in good condition.

The Board is awaiting the 2025 contract for treating the lakes.  We are asking for lily pads to be treated again not just bladderwort and the other plant that I can't remember the name of!


The Board will soon be looking for a lifeguard for the upcoming summer.  If anyone is interested or knows of someone, please contact the office with your info.  570-676-0900 or


Winter is here!


             Our snow plowing contract states that there must be 3 inches of snow before they come and plow. The company is usually very good about our roads but we do have quite a few miles of them to be plowed.  Please have patience.


The beach, picnic and clubhouse areas are restricted areas.  NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED as per the signage. This includes any kind of ATV, snowmobiles, cars, motorcycles.

            Please keep any culverts on your property clear of debris.

            Speed limit is 20 MPH on all roads.  Especially important with snow and ice in spots.


Next meeting will be held on January 16, 2025.  6:00 PM in the clubhouse.


The Board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 

Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Hello LITC members,


This month’s Board meeting was held on January 16, 2025 in the clubhouse at 6:00PM.  Attending were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas, Bill Scott and Al Sicignano.


A full treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer, Joan Griffin.  The community is in good financial shape.


Thank you to VP Phil Barrow for donating a chainsaw and accessories  to the community.


The Social Committee now headed up by Roseanne Gagliardo held their first event on Saturday night the 18th.  Chili Night was very well attended with over 30 people!  Food was plentiful and delicious.  It certainly appeared that everyone was having a good time.  Thank you, Ro and helpers. 


The Community is in search of a lifeguard for this summer.  It has become more  difficult to find someone because of all the nearby water parks.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please contact the office. 


A few reminders:


  • No motorized vehicles allowed in the beach/swimming areas.

  • Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out.  Please pay promptly.

  • Parking on the side of our roads can be dangerous.  Roads are narrow and in many spots hilly.  In the dark this creates a safety issue.  Also, a car parked on the side of the road will most certainly hinder any snow plowing that needs to be done.


The next Board meeting will be on February 20th at 6:00PM in the clubhouse. 





Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Report to the Community-October, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on October 17, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Susan Kirstein, Sec.,  Joyce Torrey,  and Bill Scott.  


As promised, Panther Trucking began work on Logger Rd a few weeks ago, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  Unfortunately they can't finish the job until the state inspects what they've done so far!    Hopefully they'll surprise us and actually DO the inspection in a timely manner.  


We had a beautiful day for the October 5th General Meeting and Election.  About 30 members attended, and 81 ballots were recorded.   Congratulations to Phil Barrow, Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein, and Al Sicignano, who were all re-elected to another two year term.  


During the meeting, the discussion got a little “lively” at times, specifically on the subjects of lily pads, beavers and short-term rentals.    With regard to lily pads and beavers, the Board pledged to do its best to improve conditions for next season;  with short-term rentals however, there is no acceptable compromise.  We don't allow it and will pursue action against those who break this rule.


BTW, we held two “Meet the Candidates” sessions in September and very few people attended, so next year we will have only one session.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Jeff O'Lear got all the picnic tables up under the pavilion for the winter.    And the dead evergreen trees that have flanked the clubhouse/office sign for years, have been taken down.    We'll be planting things in their place soon.   


Those of us who have lived at Lake in the Clouds since pre-Covid,  fondly remember the monthly dinners, card games, holiday parties etc. that were coordinated by Marie Benincasa and the Social Committee.   Last month Diane sent out an email asking anyone who might be interested in chairing or joining a Social Committee, to attend this month's Board meeting and share some ideas. 

No-one came. 


This surprised me, as I had heard from a few people who said they wanted to do it.  But you can't just SAY it.... you have to step up and DO it.    Get a few willing friends together and say something like “We'd like to have a Dinner Party at the club house on January 14th.”   The Board budgets money for food and supplies so we need to hear and approve your plans.  Then Diane can help get the word out through email, and we'll get it up on the website and sign boards.  The Social Committee decides the menu, coordinates who brings what, etc.   Marie Benincasa is here for a few more months and is willing to share her experience.

Meanwhile, LITC Member Ray DiPaoli had a great idea.    He suggested a community art show, saying “many people have hobbies and talents...some hidden...and given the chance they could share their work at an art show.”  He went on to list things like paintings, photos, carving, pottery, quilting, arts and crafts...well you get the idea.  The Board really liked the idea so I called Mr. DiPaoli and chatted with him about it, and he has agreed to manage the process!   We discussed holding an event in early September 2025 giving everyone a chance to prepare.     Before he can really start planning, however, he needs to get a feel for how many of us might be interested.  So, with his permission I am putting his email address here:     Please send him a note if think you'd like to participate


On the Monday following the General Meeting and Election the Board met to elect it's officers.   Charlie, Phil, and Joan retained their positions as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively.   And then I nominated Susan Kirstein to be Secretary, and she was unanimously elected.  I did enjoy the job....but it was time for someone else to do it, and I'm thankful to Susan for being willing.  So congratulations are in order for your Board Officers.


With Susan as Secretary, I am officially retired as the author of these Board Reports.   The Board gave me special permission to write this one, which will be my last installment. I am totally aware that this will come as welcome news to those few of you who have been criticizing them since the first one I did in November 2021, but... as my old dad used to say... “we can't all be Robert Frost; some of us just have to be Ogden Nash”.  


In any case, I thank those of have you who sent kind words of support.


Joyce Torrey, Ex- Sec

Report to the Community-August, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


This month’s Board Meeting was held on August 15, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffen, Treas. Bill Scott, and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   

Here are a few quick updates:

-The work on the Logger Road entrance is now scheduled for September, (Yes, finally!) The trees have been topped and we are next on Panther Trucking’s schedule once they have completed a job in progress.

-As I reported last month, the 2025 budget-- which you will vote on in October-- does not include any dues increase.  Joan Griffin is currently doing some last-minute tweaking to make sure we have allocated sufficient funds for the variable areas such as snow removal and lake ecology, but it looks good for our financial health in the coming year.

-Charlie, Bill Scott and Jamie Brush have re-mulched the path up to Lookout Point.  If you haven’t made the easy climb up there yet you really, really should.   It’s an amazing view of the Delaware Water Gap….and in my opinion New Jersey never looked so good!  (Kidding!)

-Marie and Jerry Benincasa, long- time and very active members and volunteers for this community, will be moving away this fall to be closer to the grandkids.  Hopefully they (and you!) will be able to attend our bonfire scheduled for September 14thso we can all thank them properly and wish them well.


Picnic!    We had amazing weather, and boy, were we lucky considering the storm that came through the day before.   (There was a rumor going around the picnic grove that I had sacrificed one of my ex-husbands to the rain gods to ensure the good weather.   This is not true…I would NEVER have been able to choose which one had to go off the rim of the volcano.)  

120 people came and ate and chatted with neighbors and played games, and by all accounts had a great time.  Which makes all the work worthwhile. 

Once again, we really owe it all to the picnic volunteers.   The Grill Guys (Charlie Schaffer, Jerry Benincasa, John Cafarella, Gerry Daidone); the Servers (Peggy Keyser, Joan Griffin, Kat Lauer, Judy Sweeny, Susan McClure, Roe Gagliardo, Linda Foran, and Fran Daidone); The registration table (Marg Cafarella, Jan Olsommer, Pat Pancoast); the distinguished parking attendants, Jon Pancoast and Bill Scott;  our photographer Mike Foran;   and a special thank you goes to Paul Burke our most excellent volunteer DJ, and to Stephanie Pace and Kat Lauer for selling all those 50/50 tickets!

And Marie Benincasa.  What can I say.   Shopping, cooking, texting, inventory, commiserating and good advice…honestly, I don’t know how this picnic will happen next year without you.


In closing, remember, if you want to run for a seat on the Board you need to tell me or Diane in the office by 8/25, and return your bio form by that Friday 8/30.   The ballot will be mailed 9/5!


See you at the BONFIRE, September 14th.   Bring chairs and whatever you’re drinking.


Joyce Torrey

Sec. Board of Directors.

Report to the Community-November, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on November 21, 2024. Attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott, Al Sicignano.



Logger Rd entrance construction is completed and open!  Lakewood Dr. (East side) entrance will be under construction starting in the springtime. 


Joan Griffin wants to let everyone know that she is a licensed notary and available to members if needed.


Panther will again do our snow plowing for next year.


Social Committee still is in need of volunteers.  Roseanne Gagliardo has a lot of ideas for different events and hopefully will be starting up again in January.


Seems our volunteers put up the Lake in the Woods snow fence just in time for the first snow.  Thank you to the helpers.


A few REMINDERS from LITC Rules & Regulation:


            #3 states 20 mph speed limit on roads by all vehicles.

            #4 states NO HUNTING within LITC boundaries.

            #5 states ABSOLUTELY NO DISCHARGING OF ANY FIREARM within LITC.  This includes your private property.

            #9 states that all dogs must be on leash when on LITC roads or common areas.


Pets are not allowed to run free or chase people or cars. Please be in control of your animals and clean up any waste.


Also, please be conscious of your neighbors.  Shooting off fireworks can be very disturbing to some people and also animals causing great distress.



Thank you,

Susan Kirstein, Sec.

Report to the Community-September, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on September 19, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Bill Scott, Susan Kirstein, Al Sicignano and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   


Panther Trucking will start work on Logger Rd this month, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  The Board wants to thank the Logger Rd folks for their patience during this LONG ordeal.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Ed Kirstein have been trying to stay ahead of a group of VERY busy beavers in Lake in The Woods.  The beavers are felling trees and attempting to block off the spillway.  Unfortunately this puts us in the position of trying to balance two conflicting PA State regulations:  1. Dam spillways must be kept open and free of debris; and 2.  It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, or interfere with a beaver dam or house.    Some days it seems the beavers are winning, but the guys aren't giving up.


The Sept 14 bonfire was well attended and we were able to appropriately thank Jerry and Marie Benincasa for their long and active service to this community.  (They were THRILLED to receive our gift of a Lifetime Free Pass to the annual picnic!  :-)    With Marie's departure we need a new Chair for the Social Committee.  If that sounds like a fun job for you please come to a Board Meeting and tell us your ideas!


We have had some amazing weather this past month and we are hoping it lasts into October.  With that in mind, we will hold off making a decision on whether to hold the October 5th General Meeting and Election inside the clubhouse or outside at the pavilion., until a day or two beforehand.    When you arrive at the meeting, look for the crowd and you'll know what the decision was!


Regardless of the weather we will hold a Potluck Dinner at 6PM on October 5 in the clubhouse.  PLEASE let us know if you plan to come so that we can set up tables etc. Just leave a message at the office, or email

The General Meeting and Election itself will start at 1PM on October 5th.    Mailed ballots must be in by October 1st.


Have a great fall and see you on the 5th.


Joyce Torrey, Sec

                     COMMUNITY REPORT

                        FEBRUARY 2025

Hello LITC members,

February’s Board of Directors meeting was held on February 27th.  In attendance were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Joan Griffin, Treas., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Al Sicignano.

A full treasurer’s report was given by Joan and the community finances are in good shape.  This includes having the funds to start and complete the updates to our two remaining entrances.

A big THANK YOU to Roseanne Gagliardo and her crew for trying to have a Valentine’s social.  Unfortunately, this had to be cancelled twice because of the weather.   BUT, mark your calendars and sign up for the St. Patrick’s Day Irish potluck on March 15th in the clubhouse!   Email her at
You may have noticed there are two trees broken off by the clubhouse.  Rest assured that this will be taken care of as soon as weather permits.

We are still in search of a lifeguard for the summer.  If you know of anyone interested please have them contact the office for more info.

The Lake in the Clouds Ecology Committee held their first meeting in February.  Our representative from Aquatic Environmental Consultants (AEC) was in attendance and answered many questions regarding our lakes and the vegetation.   

We all know it was a terrible month for snowy and icy roads.  Panther did their best to keep up.  And speaking of roads, please try not to park on the side of them especially in winter.  It can be very dangerous.  It is dark at night and visibility is poor, possibly causing an accident.  Also, Lake in the Clouds sometimes becomes just what the name implies with foggy conditions and poor visibility.

The next Board meeting will be on March 20th in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.

Submitted by Susan Kirstein

Report to LITCPOA

December 2024




Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on December 19, 2024 in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM.  Attending was Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott and Joyce Torrey.


As of last month, the Logger Road entrance is open and functional.  This Spring/Summer the Board hopes to have both the main West side entrance and the East side entrance completed.


Joan Griffin, our treasurer, reported that we are doing well with our budget and our account balances are ahead of last year.  Thank you to everyone who pays their dues in a timely manner.


The Board is aware that one of the pillars at the West entrance has been damaged.  We have a volunteer that can repair it for us come better weather.


Under lake ecology:

Lake in the Clouds dam has been inspected and found to be in good condition.

The Board is awaiting the 2025 contract for treating the lakes.  We are asking for lily pads to be treated again not just bladderwort and the other plant that I can't remember the name of!


The Board will soon be looking for a lifeguard for the upcoming summer.  If anyone is interested or knows of someone, please contact the office with your info.  570-676-0900 or


Winter is here!


             Our snow plowing contract states that there must be 3 inches of snow before they come and plow. The company is usually very good about our roads but we do have quite a few miles of them to be plowed.  Please have patience.


The beach, picnic and clubhouse areas are restricted areas.  NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED as per the signage. This includes any kind of ATV, snowmobiles, cars, motorcycles.

            Please keep any culverts on your property clear of debris.

            Speed limit is 20 MPH on all roads.  Especially important with snow and ice in spots.


Next meeting will be held on January 16, 2025.  6:00 PM in the clubhouse.


The Board wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! 

Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Hello LITC members,


This month’s Board meeting was held on January 16, 2025 in the clubhouse at 6:00PM.  Attending were Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas, Bill Scott and Al Sicignano.


A full treasurer’s report was given by the Treasurer, Joan Griffin.  The community is in good financial shape.


Thank you to VP Phil Barrow for donating a chainsaw and accessories  to the community.


The Social Committee now headed up by Roseanne Gagliardo held their first event on Saturday night the 18th.  Chili Night was very well attended with over 30 people!  Food was plentiful and delicious.  It certainly appeared that everyone was having a good time.  Thank you, Ro and helpers. 


The Community is in search of a lifeguard for this summer.  It has become more  difficult to find someone because of all the nearby water parks.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this position please contact the office. 


A few reminders:


  • No motorized vehicles allowed in the beach/swimming areas.

  • Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out.  Please pay promptly.

  • Parking on the side of our roads can be dangerous.  Roads are narrow and in many spots hilly.  In the dark this creates a safety issue.  Also, a car parked on the side of the road will most certainly hinder any snow plowing that needs to be done.


The next Board meeting will be on February 20th at 6:00PM in the clubhouse. 





Submitted by:

Susan Kirstein, Secretary

Report to the Community-October, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on October 17, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Susan Kirstein, Sec.,  Joyce Torrey,  and Bill Scott.  


As promised, Panther Trucking began work on Logger Rd a few weeks ago, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  Unfortunately they can't finish the job until the state inspects what they've done so far!    Hopefully they'll surprise us and actually DO the inspection in a timely manner.  


We had a beautiful day for the October 5th General Meeting and Election.  About 30 members attended, and 81 ballots were recorded.   Congratulations to Phil Barrow, Joan Griffin, Susan Kirstein, and Al Sicignano, who were all re-elected to another two year term.  


During the meeting, the discussion got a little “lively” at times, specifically on the subjects of lily pads, beavers and short-term rentals.    With regard to lily pads and beavers, the Board pledged to do its best to improve conditions for next season;  with short-term rentals however, there is no acceptable compromise.  We don't allow it and will pursue action against those who break this rule.


BTW, we held two “Meet the Candidates” sessions in September and very few people attended, so next year we will have only one session.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Jeff O'Lear got all the picnic tables up under the pavilion for the winter.    And the dead evergreen trees that have flanked the clubhouse/office sign for years, have been taken down.    We'll be planting things in their place soon.   


Those of us who have lived at Lake in the Clouds since pre-Covid,  fondly remember the monthly dinners, card games, holiday parties etc. that were coordinated by Marie Benincasa and the Social Committee.   Last month Diane sent out an email asking anyone who might be interested in chairing or joining a Social Committee, to attend this month's Board meeting and share some ideas. 

No-one came. 


This surprised me, as I had heard from a few people who said they wanted to do it.  But you can't just SAY it.... you have to step up and DO it.    Get a few willing friends together and say something like “We'd like to have a Dinner Party at the club house on January 14th.”   The Board budgets money for food and supplies so we need to hear and approve your plans.  Then Diane can help get the word out through email, and we'll get it up on the website and sign boards.  The Social Committee decides the menu, coordinates who brings what, etc.   Marie Benincasa is here for a few more months and is willing to share her experience.

Meanwhile, LITC Member Ray DiPaoli had a great idea.    He suggested a community art show, saying “many people have hobbies and talents...some hidden...and given the chance they could share their work at an art show.”  He went on to list things like paintings, photos, carving, pottery, quilting, arts and crafts...well you get the idea.  The Board really liked the idea so I called Mr. DiPaoli and chatted with him about it, and he has agreed to manage the process!   We discussed holding an event in early September 2025 giving everyone a chance to prepare.     Before he can really start planning, however, he needs to get a feel for how many of us might be interested.  So, with his permission I am putting his email address here:     Please send him a note if think you'd like to participate


On the Monday following the General Meeting and Election the Board met to elect it's officers.   Charlie, Phil, and Joan retained their positions as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer respectively.   And then I nominated Susan Kirstein to be Secretary, and she was unanimously elected.  I did enjoy the job....but it was time for someone else to do it, and I'm thankful to Susan for being willing.  So congratulations are in order for your Board Officers.


With Susan as Secretary, I am officially retired as the author of these Board Reports.   The Board gave me special permission to write this one, which will be my last installment. I am totally aware that this will come as welcome news to those few of you who have been criticizing them since the first one I did in November 2021, but... as my old dad used to say... “we can't all be Robert Frost; some of us just have to be Ogden Nash”.  


In any case, I thank those of have you who sent kind words of support.


Joyce Torrey, Ex- Sec

Report to the Community-August, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


This month’s Board Meeting was held on August 15, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffen, Treas. Bill Scott, and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   

Here are a few quick updates:

-The work on the Logger Road entrance is now scheduled for September, (Yes, finally!) The trees have been topped and we are next on Panther Trucking’s schedule once they have completed a job in progress.

-As I reported last month, the 2025 budget-- which you will vote on in October-- does not include any dues increase.  Joan Griffin is currently doing some last-minute tweaking to make sure we have allocated sufficient funds for the variable areas such as snow removal and lake ecology, but it looks good for our financial health in the coming year.

-Charlie, Bill Scott and Jamie Brush have re-mulched the path up to Lookout Point.  If you haven’t made the easy climb up there yet you really, really should.   It’s an amazing view of the Delaware Water Gap….and in my opinion New Jersey never looked so good!  (Kidding!)

-Marie and Jerry Benincasa, long- time and very active members and volunteers for this community, will be moving away this fall to be closer to the grandkids.  Hopefully they (and you!) will be able to attend our bonfire scheduled for September 14thso we can all thank them properly and wish them well.


Picnic!    We had amazing weather, and boy, were we lucky considering the storm that came through the day before.   (There was a rumor going around the picnic grove that I had sacrificed one of my ex-husbands to the rain gods to ensure the good weather.   This is not true…I would NEVER have been able to choose which one had to go off the rim of the volcano.)  

120 people came and ate and chatted with neighbors and played games, and by all accounts had a great time.  Which makes all the work worthwhile. 

Once again, we really owe it all to the picnic volunteers.   The Grill Guys (Charlie Schaffer, Jerry Benincasa, John Cafarella, Gerry Daidone); the Servers (Peggy Keyser, Joan Griffin, Kat Lauer, Judy Sweeny, Susan McClure, Roe Gagliardo, Linda Foran, and Fran Daidone); The registration table (Marg Cafarella, Jan Olsommer, Pat Pancoast); the distinguished parking attendants, Jon Pancoast and Bill Scott;  our photographer Mike Foran;   and a special thank you goes to Paul Burke our most excellent volunteer DJ, and to Stephanie Pace and Kat Lauer for selling all those 50/50 tickets!

And Marie Benincasa.  What can I say.   Shopping, cooking, texting, inventory, commiserating and good advice…honestly, I don’t know how this picnic will happen next year without you.


In closing, remember, if you want to run for a seat on the Board you need to tell me or Diane in the office by 8/25, and return your bio form by that Friday 8/30.   The ballot will be mailed 9/5!


See you at the BONFIRE, September 14th.   Bring chairs and whatever you’re drinking.


Joyce Torrey

Sec. Board of Directors.

Report to the Community-November, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds


Hello LITC members,


This month's Board meeting was held on November 21, 2024. Attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP., Susan Kirstein, Sec., Joan Griffin, Treas., Bill Scott, Al Sicignano.



Logger Rd entrance construction is completed and open!  Lakewood Dr. (East side) entrance will be under construction starting in the springtime. 


Joan Griffin wants to let everyone know that she is a licensed notary and available to members if needed.


Panther will again do our snow plowing for next year.


Social Committee still is in need of volunteers.  Roseanne Gagliardo has a lot of ideas for different events and hopefully will be starting up again in January.


Seems our volunteers put up the Lake in the Woods snow fence just in time for the first snow.  Thank you to the helpers.


A few REMINDERS from LITC Rules & Regulation:


            #3 states 20 mph speed limit on roads by all vehicles.

            #4 states NO HUNTING within LITC boundaries.

            #5 states ABSOLUTELY NO DISCHARGING OF ANY FIREARM within LITC.  This includes your private property.

            #9 states that all dogs must be on leash when on LITC roads or common areas.


Pets are not allowed to run free or chase people or cars. Please be in control of your animals and clean up any waste.


Also, please be conscious of your neighbors.  Shooting off fireworks can be very disturbing to some people and also animals causing great distress.



Thank you,

Susan Kirstein, Sec.

Report to the Community-September, 2024

Board of Directors, Lake in the Clouds



This month’s Board Meeting was held on September 19, 2024, attended by Charlie Schaffer, Pres., Phil Barrow, VP, Joan Griffin, Treas. Bill Scott, Susan Kirstein, Al Sicignano and Joyce Torrey, Sec.   


Panther Trucking will start work on Logger Rd this month, so that we can finally get that entrance re-opened.  The Board wants to thank the Logger Rd folks for their patience during this LONG ordeal.


Bill Scott, Charlie Schaffer, and Ed Kirstein have been trying to stay ahead of a group of VERY busy beavers in Lake in The Woods.  The beavers are felling trees and attempting to block off the spillway.  Unfortunately this puts us in the position of trying to balance two conflicting PA State regulations:  1. Dam spillways must be kept open and free of debris; and 2.  It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, or interfere with a beaver dam or house.    Some days it seems the beavers are winning, but the guys aren't giving up.


The Sept 14 bonfire was well attended and we were able to appropriately thank Jerry and Marie Benincasa for their long and active service to this community.  (They were THRILLED to receive our gift of a Lifetime Free Pass to the annual picnic!  :-)    With Marie's departure we need a new Chair for the Social Committee.  If that sounds like a fun job for you please come to a Board Meeting and tell us your ideas!


We have had some amazing weather this past month and we are hoping it lasts into October.  With that in mind, we will hold off making a decision on whether to hold the October 5th General Meeting and Election inside the clubhouse or outside at the pavilion., until a day or two beforehand.    When you arrive at the meeting, look for the crowd and you'll know what the decision was!


Regardless of the weather we will hold a Potluck Dinner at 6PM on October 5 in the clubhouse.  PLEASE let us know if you plan to come so that we can set up tables etc. Just leave a message at the office, or email

The General Meeting and Election itself will start at 1PM on October 5th.    Mailed ballots must be in by October 1st.


Have a great fall and see you on the 5th.


Joyce Torrey, Sec

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